Daniel 10:1-21
As taught by "guest geek" Keith Braun
All the remaining verses in the book of Daniel concern the final vision. Chapter 10 is the preparation for the vision, chapter 11 contains the content of the vision, and chapter 12 relates some final instructions to Daniel as they pertain to the vision. Chapter 10 is rather eerie. The veil of the spiritual world is lifted for a moment and we get a glimpse into this unseen world. It is an intensely emotional chapter as we see our man Daniel first in mourning and then we try to picture in our minds what things might scare him half to death. We see Yahweh’s behind-the-scenes lovingkindness and protection toward His people Israel.
Daniel Sings the Blues (1-4)
The historical timing of the events of this chapter is clearly stated. It occurs during the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia. Verse 4 narrows it down even more precisely to the 24th day of the first month (Nisan). The year is 536 BC and Daniel would be about 85 years old. The decree from Cyrus to allow the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem was given a couple of years before. There were a modest number of Jews led by Zerubbabel in Jerusalem just beginning to build a new, but not so grand, temple. It was a time when Israel was becoming discouraged. Haggai and Zechariah were written a few years later to bring comfort and to encourage the people. Daniel’s location is on the bank of the Tigris River.
Turn to Leviticus 23:4-7.
What important Jewish feasts had just taken place? Why would the anniversaries of these feasts be difficult times for the Jews living in exile? What are some anniversaries in your life that might trigger mourning?
Turn to Proverbs 13:12.
How might this verse describe the heart of Daniel as we see it revealed in verses 2 and 3?
Daniel is Speechless (5-11)
The vision we see here is a new form of revelation for Daniel. No longer does he see images, beasts or weeks of years. Here he sees a certain man.
Read Ezekiel 1:25-28.
Who is being described here in such awesome terms?
Turn to Revelation 1:12-18.
How is John’s vision of deity similar to what Daniel saw? Who else saw this vision but Daniel? Where did the others go? Who had a meeting with Jesus when a similar thing happened to his companions (Acts 22:9)?
What Daniel sees is most likely Yahweh Jesus. He had seen Him before in the courtroom scene in chapter 7 as the Ancient of Days, though probably with His glory veiled somewhat. In this appearance here in chapter 10 He is revealed in a fuller glory similar to the vision to the apostle John on the Isle of Patmos in Revelation 1. John, who had spent quality time with Jesus for years, nearly died from that vision of Jesus in all His glory. This Old Testament appearance in Daniel is called a theophany- a preincarnate appearance of the eternal Son.
In verse 8, Daniel says, “my natural color turned into a deathly pallor.” Literally, the phrase is, “my splendor (or comeliness) has turned into corruption.” Daniel was one of the most godly men who ever lived, yet when he truly saw the LORD, the last thing he was thinking about was his own righteousness (Isaiah 64:6). What was Peter’s response to Jesus after his nets were miraculously filled with fish? (See Luke 5:8.)
Look carefully at verses 10-11. Do you think there may be another personage now involved? Look at verse 11 as it says, “I have now been sent to you.” Do you think God Himself would have been sent by anyone to comfort Daniel? This personage is probably an angel who is introducing himself to the scene at this point. The angel is unnamed but it may have been Gabriel, who had appeared to Daniel previously. In Daniel 9:23, Gabriel referred to Daniel as, “highly esteemed.” It literally means desirable, or precious, and the chapter 10 angel uses the same term twice (verse 12 and 19).
Setting Your Heart (12-14)
I love verse 12-
Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.”
I am reminded not to let overwhelming fear prevent me from responding to God. Proverbs 2:3-5 dovetails well with this thought. I am also told to lay pride aside as I come before the LORD. Some years ago, I wrote this prayer in the margin of my Bible next to this verse- “Every day, set your heart, Keith, to humble yourself before God.” C.S. Lewis said, “Pride leads to every other vice, it is the complete anti-God state of mind.” Finally, I am assured that God hears my prayers and He responds to them.
Daniel had been fasting and mourning for three weeks (verse 3). The angel said that from the time Daniel began to pray, he was held up three weeks by the prince of the kingdom of Persia. Apparently, there are ranks of evil angels, or demons, and that they have been assigned to earthly kingdoms. Daniel was in Persia at this time and Satan did not want the contents of the vision in chapter 11 to be revealed to him. The angel Michael had to come to help out. So pay attention next week as Dave teaches from chapter 11 where Daniel is shown how God, during the inter-testament period, is going to give Israel (and us) a living illustration of what will happen in the end times.
Who is the angel Michael? According to Jude 9, what is his rank? His name means, “Who is like God”, reminding us that even the boss angel is not God. Michael can also be considered to be the prince of Israel (verse 21, and chapter 12:1).
Sometimes it is easy to forget the supernatural elements of our lives. Satan has used this strategy in the USA to cause people to disbelieve in anything but what they see, taste, hear, and feel- including God. Others see the devil behind every bush and attribute all sorts of things to Satan or demons, even when they have nothing to do with it. Look at Ephesians 6:11-12 to be reminded that there is another reality out there and that it is in conflict.
Verse 14 reminds us that the revelation that follows in chapter 11 pertains to the latter days, a term used for the times preceding the second coming of Jesus Christ. This verse is a key to the interpretation of what follows in chapter 11. Note that it says, “what will happen to your people”, meaning Israel. These are not words to the church.
Daniel is Bonked Again (15-21)
Daniel is an old man. He just saw a glimpse of Christ in His glory. He has been conversing with an angel. He has seen the behind-the-scenes conflict in the spiritual realm and now he is about to hear the final chapter of the book as it pertains to God’s dealings with his beloved Israel. It is no wonder that he is sapped of all strength.
The angel strengthened him once again and he was ready for the angel to speak the vision. Again Daniel is reminded of the evil angel over Persia and is told that there is one over Greece as well. Despite the Satanic opposition Daniel will be told what is inscribed in the, “writing of truth.” This probably refers to the heavenly record of what God has ordained to come to pass. Apparently this angel (Gabriel?) and Michael alone are given the task of protecting Israel against the powers of Satan and his world system.
So hold on to your hats for next week’s prophecy. I can think of no other prophetic section that has a preparatory chapter and a wind-down chapter like Daniel 11. Satan did not want Daniel to receive and record this message. If both God and Satan give a particular section such emphasis, we dare not gloss over it or count it as irrelevant.
THIS CONTENT HAS MOVED! Updated versions of these notes can be found at: http://rmcchurch.org/bible-track-notes
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Daniel 9:1-19
Daniel 9:1-19
As taught by Dave Lindstrom
I. The historical background of Daniel’s prayer (Daniel 9:1-3).
A. Daniel was a man of history (verse 1).
1. As previously taught in Daniel 5:30; 6:1, and 6:28, Darius the Mede was probably King Cyrus’ appointed ruler in Babylon while King Cyrus continued conquering territory for the Medo-Persian kingdom. Babylon was conquered in 539 B.C., therefore, the first year of Darius the Mede would have been 539-538 B.C.
2. At this time, Daniel had been in exile for 66-67 years (since 605 B.C.) and was about 80 years old.
B. Daniel was a man of the Scriptures (verse 2).
1. Evidently Daniel regularly spent time with the “books” of Scripture. One of the books he read out of was the prophet Jeremiah. When Daniel was taken into Babylonian exile, Jeremiah remained in Jerusalem and did his main writing and prophesying between 627 – 586 B.C. Daniel read in Jeremiah 25:11-13 and 29:10 about the 70 year prophesied Jerusalem desolation.
2. Having been in Babylonian exile himself for 66-67 years and having seen Babylon conquered by Medo-Persia, he is led to pray to Yahweh for the fulfillment of this Scripture.
3. This is the first time that the name Yahweh is used in the book of Daniel. It is the personal name of Israel ’s God (Ex. 3:14 , 15). He is the great “I Am” covenant-keeping, only God of the Universe!
C. Daniel was a man of prayer (verse 3).
1. Daniel meditated in a prayerful manner on Jeremiah and the Mosaic Covenant (verses 11, 13) as given to Israel (Deut. 28:25, 36, 47-50; 29:1, 18, 25-29; 30:1-6).
2. He is then led to pray with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes which are signs of deep need and repentance (Gen. 37:34; Isa. 58:5; Jer. 49:3; Matt. 11:21 ).
Thought: As New Covenant believers, we are called now (as people of history) to apply ourselves to the Scriptures and to prayer also. How intensely are we applying ourselves to these things? Let’s commit ourselves to doing better by giving more time and energy to these things.
II. Daniel prays a prayer of confession and petition to Yahweh his God (Dan. 9:4-19).
A. Daniel’s prayer of confession and repentance (Dan. 9:4-14).
1. In confession, the prayer throws or casts his/her words toward Yahweh, says the same things as Yahweh, and agrees with Yahweh. In repentance, there is an aspect of turning from thinking and doing wrong to thinking and doing right.
2. Yahweh is the universes rightful ruler (Adonai), and is the only great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of love perfectly. It’s good to start prayer with adoration! (vs 4; Deut. 4:25 -31; Rom. 11:33 -36; Eph. 1:3-23).
3. Daniel and Israel have sinned “Hebrew-missed the mark or goal,” done wrong, been wicked, rebelled, and turned away. In confession, it’s best to be brutally honest! (verses 5, 6) (Jer. 25:2-7; I John 1:9).
4. For Israel, disobedience to Yahweh’s directions brought shame, discipline, and ultimately having to be removed from their promised land according to the Law of Moses (verses 7-14; Deut. 4:25-31; chapters 28-30; Jer. 25:2-7).
5. For New Testament believers, disobedience to Christ’s direction (Yahweh Jesus) brings shame, discipline, and sometimes early physical death (I Cor. 9:21 , 11:28 -32; Heb. 12:5-17; James 5:13-20).
B. Daniel’s prayer of petition (from the Hebrew word “chanan” show favor, be gracious) (Daniel 9:15 -19).
1. Before making the actual words of his petition, Daniel acknowledges Yahweh’s power and ability to work miracles (He brought Israel out of Egypt ), Israel ’s sin, and Yahweh’s righteousness in all of His ways
(verses 15, 16a).
2. His petition (the thing he is asking for in a sincere and truthful way) is found in verses 16b–19.
a. Daniel asks that Adonai (Yahweh) restores His city, Jerusalem , for His names sake. In other words, the restoration of Jerusalem would glorify Yahweh’s name (verses 16b–19, Jer. 31:38-40; Joel 2:1, 3:17 ;
Zeph. 3:11 ).
b. Daniel asks Adonai (Yahweh) to restore the Jerusalem temple for His names sake (verse 17).
c. Daniel asks Adonai (Yahweh) to have mercy and once again look with favor on His people Israel because they bear His name (verses 16b–19; Gen. 32:28).
Thought: As Daniel has prayed specifically for Jerusalem, the temple, and the people of Israel, Yahweh is going to answer his requests and then give him more information for all time about these things in Daniel 9:20-27. How are we doing with petitioning in a way which brings Yahweh glory?
Daniel 9:1-19
As taught by Dave Lindstrom
I. The historical background of Daniel’s prayer (Daniel 9:1-3).
A. Daniel was a man of history (verse 1).
1. As previously taught in Daniel 5:30; 6:1, and 6:28, Darius the Mede was probably King Cyrus’ appointed ruler in Babylon while King Cyrus continued conquering territory for the Medo-Persian kingdom. Babylon was conquered in 539 B.C., therefore, the first year of Darius the Mede would have been 539-538 B.C.
2. At this time, Daniel had been in exile for 66-67 years (since 605 B.C.) and was about 80 years old.
B. Daniel was a man of the Scriptures (verse 2).
1. Evidently Daniel regularly spent time with the “books” of Scripture. One of the books he read out of was the prophet Jeremiah. When Daniel was taken into Babylonian exile, Jeremiah remained in Jerusalem and did his main writing and prophesying between 627 – 586 B.C. Daniel read in Jeremiah 25:11-13 and 29:10 about the 70 year prophesied Jerusalem desolation.
2. Having been in Babylonian exile himself for 66-67 years and having seen Babylon conquered by Medo-Persia, he is led to pray to Yahweh for the fulfillment of this Scripture.
3. This is the first time that the name Yahweh is used in the book of Daniel. It is the personal name of Israel ’s God (Ex. 3:14 , 15). He is the great “I Am” covenant-keeping, only God of the Universe!
C. Daniel was a man of prayer (verse 3).
1. Daniel meditated in a prayerful manner on Jeremiah and the Mosaic Covenant (verses 11, 13) as given to Israel (Deut. 28:25, 36, 47-50; 29:1, 18, 25-29; 30:1-6).
2. He is then led to pray with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes which are signs of deep need and repentance (Gen. 37:34; Isa. 58:5; Jer. 49:3; Matt. 11:21 ).
Thought: As New Covenant believers, we are called now (as people of history) to apply ourselves to the Scriptures and to prayer also. How intensely are we applying ourselves to these things? Let’s commit ourselves to doing better by giving more time and energy to these things.
II. Daniel prays a prayer of confession and petition to Yahweh his God (Dan. 9:4-19).
A. Daniel’s prayer of confession and repentance (Dan. 9:4-14).
1. In confession, the prayer throws or casts his/her words toward Yahweh, says the same things as Yahweh, and agrees with Yahweh. In repentance, there is an aspect of turning from thinking and doing wrong to thinking and doing right.
2. Yahweh is the universes rightful ruler (Adonai), and is the only great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of love perfectly. It’s good to start prayer with adoration! (vs 4; Deut. 4:25 -31; Rom. 11:33 -36; Eph. 1:3-23).
3. Daniel and Israel have sinned “Hebrew-missed the mark or goal,” done wrong, been wicked, rebelled, and turned away. In confession, it’s best to be brutally honest! (verses 5, 6) (Jer. 25:2-7; I John 1:9).
4. For Israel, disobedience to Yahweh’s directions brought shame, discipline, and ultimately having to be removed from their promised land according to the Law of Moses (verses 7-14; Deut. 4:25-31; chapters 28-30; Jer. 25:2-7).
5. For New Testament believers, disobedience to Christ’s direction (Yahweh Jesus) brings shame, discipline, and sometimes early physical death (I Cor. 9:21 , 11:28 -32; Heb. 12:5-17; James 5:13-20).
B. Daniel’s prayer of petition (from the Hebrew word “chanan” show favor, be gracious) (Daniel 9:15 -19).
1. Before making the actual words of his petition, Daniel acknowledges Yahweh’s power and ability to work miracles (He brought Israel out of Egypt ), Israel ’s sin, and Yahweh’s righteousness in all of His ways
(verses 15, 16a).
2. His petition (the thing he is asking for in a sincere and truthful way) is found in verses 16b–19.
a. Daniel asks that Adonai (Yahweh) restores His city, Jerusalem , for His names sake. In other words, the restoration of Jerusalem would glorify Yahweh’s name (verses 16b–19, Jer. 31:38-40; Joel 2:1, 3:17 ;
Zeph. 3:11 ).
b. Daniel asks Adonai (Yahweh) to restore the Jerusalem temple for His names sake (verse 17).
c. Daniel asks Adonai (Yahweh) to have mercy and once again look with favor on His people Israel because they bear His name (verses 16b–19; Gen. 32:28).
Thought: As Daniel has prayed specifically for Jerusalem, the temple, and the people of Israel, Yahweh is going to answer his requests and then give him more information for all time about these things in Daniel 9:20-27. How are we doing with petitioning in a way which brings Yahweh glory?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Daniel 8:1-27
Daniel 8:1-27
As taught by Dave Lindstrom
I. Daniel’s vision concerning the ram (Medo-Persia) and the goat ( Greece ) (Daniel 8:1-14).
A. The historic background of Daniel’s vision (verses 1, 2).
1. Daniel now returns to writing in Hebrew instead of the Aramaic he used in chapters 2-7. He writes chapter 1, chapters 8-12 in Hebrew because these chapters have special significance to Israel .
2. The third year of King Belshazzar would have probably been 550- 551 B.C. (two years after the vision in 7:1). Daniel would have been about 70 years old when he received this (verse 1).
3. In the vision, Daniel gets his geographical bearings by first being in the palace at Susa , the capital of Elam , located 230 miles east of Babylon . He then finds himself on the bank of an artificial canal (called the Ulai Canal ) a few miles away from Susa . King Cyrus of Persia took the nation of Elam and the capital Susa over about 550 B.C.
B. Daniel first sees a ram with two long horns (verses 3, 4).
1. This animal represents the Medo-Persian Empire that was going to replace the Babylonian Empire in 539 B.C. It ruled from 539-331 B.C. It was the second kingdom of Daniel 2:32b, 39a; 5:28 ; 7:5 and is interpreted for us in Daniel 8:20 .
2. The longer horn is Persia , the stronger part of the Medo-Persian Empire.
3. The conquests of King Cyrus had primarily a westward, northward, and southward direction (already discussed in Daniel 7:5).
C. Daniel next sees a quick, powerful one-horned goat (verses 5-8).
1. Alexander the Great came from the west ( Macedonia and Greece ) and with speed and fury took over the whole Medo-Persian Empire in under three years (333 B.C. – 331 B.C.)(verses 5, 6).
2. Alexander the Great ended up dying in Babylon in 323 B.C. at the age of 33 years old. At the height of his power, he had people worship him as a descendent of the Greek god Zeus (verse 7).
3. Alexander the Great did not have children, therefore, four of his generals battled it out and claimed their right to rule the kingdom of Greece : 1) Cassander – Macedonia and Greece ; 2) Lysimachus – Thrace and Bithynia ; 3) Ptolemy – Egypt and Palestine ; and 4) Seleucus – Phrygia to the Indus River. The Greek kingdom ruled from 331 B.C. to approximately 88 B.C. (verse 8; Dan. 7:6; 8:22 ; 11:4).
D. Daniel next sees another small but growing ruler arising out of the Grecian kingdom which will persecute the people of Israel (verses 9-14).
1. This ruler comes out of the third kingdom which is Greece but has some similar characteristics of the little horn coming out of the fourth kingdom which is Rome in Daniel 7:8, 23-27. We should not confuse the two, they are two separate people. However, it could be that Yahweh through Daniel is revealing some characteristics of the final persecutor of Israel (from the revived fourth kingdom of Rome who is also called the antichrist) through this third kingdom persecutor (see also Dan. 9:20-27; 11:21–12:3; Matt.24:15, 24; II Thes. 2:1-12; Rev. 13:1-18; 19:19-21).
2. The person in Greek history which relates to every aspect described by this person is Antiochus IV Epiphanes who ruled from 175-164 B.C. After murdering his brother and usurping power from his nephew, Seleucus IV, he invaded Egypt (south), Parthia and Armenia (east) and forcibly used Israel (the Beautiful or Glorious Land) at this time called Palestine, as a buffer between his kingdom and the Egyptian Ptolemaic armies (verse 9).
3. The terms “host of the heavens” and “starry host” in this context means true Israelite believers who will be persecuted and killed under Antiochus IV Epiphanes reign. The “stars” who “shine like the brightness of the heavens” are the same and similar terms found in Daniel 12:3 (verse 10).
4. Antiochus IV Epiphanes was very corrupt during his reign (verses 10-14)
a. He had the coins of his kingdom inscribed “theos epiphanes” which means “God Manifest” in Greek. Therefore, he set himself up as the Prince of the host, Yahweh Sabaoth, the only true God (verse 11).
b. He also, in December 167 B.C., erected a statue of Zeus Olympius in Yahweh’s temple and sacrificed pigs on the altar. He had already taken away the Jewish daily temple sacrifice months before this.
c. He made the possession of Hebrew Scriptures an offense deserving the death penalty. Therefore, truth (the Scriptures) was thrown to the ground (verse 12).
d. He made it a death penalty for Hebrews to circumcise their children bringing many faithful Jewish believers over to death (verse 12).
e. The prophesied time for the extreme persecution of this Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes is 2,300 evenings and mornings. The two ways of looking at this are either 2,300 days or 2,300 evening and morning burnt offering sacrifices making it 1,150 days (verse 13; Ex. 29:38-42; Numbers chapters 28, 29). Some Jewish and Christian scholars have calculated the reconsecration of the temple by the Jewish Maccabees to be exactly 1,150 days. The Jewish celebration of Hanukkah ( December 14, 164 B.C. ) celebrates this event (verse 14).
Thought: Yahweh cares and loves His people by revealing events, many in extraordinary detail, in His written revelation. These Scriptures should bring comfort, direction, and hope for His believers. Praise Yahweh “Hallelu-Yah.”
II. The angel Gabriel’s direct interpretation of the vision to Daniel (Daniel 8:15 -27).
A. Gabriel seems to be Yahweh’s messenger specifically to His Jewish people. This is the first place in Scripture where he is mentioned by name but he is mentioned three other times (verses 15, 16; Dan. 9:21 ; Luke 1:19 , 26).
B. Gabriel explains that the vision occurs at “an appointed time of the end” and “a time of wrath.” The idea of these statements seem to directly relate to the Antiochus IV Epiphanes time frame but could possibly hint at a preview of the time before the return of Christ (verses 17-19; Dan. 9:20-27; 11:36-12:3; Matt. 24:14-30; Rev. 3:10, 11).
C. Prophetic insights into Israel , the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes, and a possible glimpse into some of the characteristics of the antichrist (verses 20-26).
1. Yahweh’s discipline was going to once again fall on Israel due to their rebellion, transgression, and sin. They were becoming corrupt, buying the high priesthood from Antiochus IV, and breaking the Mosaic covenant which they were under (verse 23a).
2. Antiochus IV would be severe, deceitful (winning the Jews over and then turning on them), powerful, and ultimately motivated by Satan. He will cause devastation in Israel , Jerusalem , the Temple and be a destroyer of Yahweh’s holy people (verses 23b-26, the details of this will be studied further in Daniel 11:21 -36, also for a history read the Apocryphal book of I Maccabees chapters 1-6 and Josephus chapter 16).
3. Daniel was distraught and disturbed at contemplating that the true people of Israel , after returning to the Beautiful Land from exile, will have to go through more trial later on. However, little does he know that he will be receiving more visions to come which will all be sealed up, written in Hebrew, for the time of the end (verse 27; Daniel 12:4).
Thought: Israel struggled with sin through their history with Yahweh, was disciplined and yet unconditionally loved! We as New Testament believers have the same sin, the same God, and yet more grace and Holy Spirit power because Christ has already died and rose again! (2 Cor. 3:4-18; Heb. 12:4-13)
Daniel 8:1-27
As taught by Dave Lindstrom
I. Daniel’s vision concerning the ram (Medo-Persia) and the goat ( Greece ) (Daniel 8:1-14).
A. The historic background of Daniel’s vision (verses 1, 2).
1. Daniel now returns to writing in Hebrew instead of the Aramaic he used in chapters 2-7. He writes chapter 1, chapters 8-12 in Hebrew because these chapters have special significance to Israel .
2. The third year of King Belshazzar would have probably been 550- 551 B.C. (two years after the vision in 7:1). Daniel would have been about 70 years old when he received this (verse 1).
3. In the vision, Daniel gets his geographical bearings by first being in the palace at Susa , the capital of Elam , located 230 miles east of Babylon . He then finds himself on the bank of an artificial canal (called the Ulai Canal ) a few miles away from Susa . King Cyrus of Persia took the nation of Elam and the capital Susa over about 550 B.C.
B. Daniel first sees a ram with two long horns (verses 3, 4).
1. This animal represents the Medo-Persian Empire that was going to replace the Babylonian Empire in 539 B.C. It ruled from 539-331 B.C. It was the second kingdom of Daniel 2:32b, 39a; 5:28 ; 7:5 and is interpreted for us in Daniel 8:20 .
2. The longer horn is Persia , the stronger part of the Medo-Persian Empire.
3. The conquests of King Cyrus had primarily a westward, northward, and southward direction (already discussed in Daniel 7:5).
C. Daniel next sees a quick, powerful one-horned goat (verses 5-8).
1. Alexander the Great came from the west ( Macedonia and Greece ) and with speed and fury took over the whole Medo-Persian Empire in under three years (333 B.C. – 331 B.C.)(verses 5, 6).
2. Alexander the Great ended up dying in Babylon in 323 B.C. at the age of 33 years old. At the height of his power, he had people worship him as a descendent of the Greek god Zeus (verse 7).
3. Alexander the Great did not have children, therefore, four of his generals battled it out and claimed their right to rule the kingdom of Greece : 1) Cassander – Macedonia and Greece ; 2) Lysimachus – Thrace and Bithynia ; 3) Ptolemy – Egypt and Palestine ; and 4) Seleucus – Phrygia to the Indus River. The Greek kingdom ruled from 331 B.C. to approximately 88 B.C. (verse 8; Dan. 7:6; 8:22 ; 11:4).
D. Daniel next sees another small but growing ruler arising out of the Grecian kingdom which will persecute the people of Israel (verses 9-14).
1. This ruler comes out of the third kingdom which is Greece but has some similar characteristics of the little horn coming out of the fourth kingdom which is Rome in Daniel 7:8, 23-27. We should not confuse the two, they are two separate people. However, it could be that Yahweh through Daniel is revealing some characteristics of the final persecutor of Israel (from the revived fourth kingdom of Rome who is also called the antichrist) through this third kingdom persecutor (see also Dan. 9:20-27; 11:21–12:3; Matt.24:15, 24; II Thes. 2:1-12; Rev. 13:1-18; 19:19-21).
2. The person in Greek history which relates to every aspect described by this person is Antiochus IV Epiphanes who ruled from 175-164 B.C. After murdering his brother and usurping power from his nephew, Seleucus IV, he invaded Egypt (south), Parthia and Armenia (east) and forcibly used Israel (the Beautiful or Glorious Land) at this time called Palestine, as a buffer between his kingdom and the Egyptian Ptolemaic armies (verse 9).
3. The terms “host of the heavens” and “starry host” in this context means true Israelite believers who will be persecuted and killed under Antiochus IV Epiphanes reign. The “stars” who “shine like the brightness of the heavens” are the same and similar terms found in Daniel 12:3 (verse 10).
4. Antiochus IV Epiphanes was very corrupt during his reign (verses 10-14)
a. He had the coins of his kingdom inscribed “theos epiphanes” which means “God Manifest” in Greek. Therefore, he set himself up as the Prince of the host, Yahweh Sabaoth, the only true God (verse 11).
b. He also, in December 167 B.C., erected a statue of Zeus Olympius in Yahweh’s temple and sacrificed pigs on the altar. He had already taken away the Jewish daily temple sacrifice months before this.
c. He made the possession of Hebrew Scriptures an offense deserving the death penalty. Therefore, truth (the Scriptures) was thrown to the ground (verse 12).
d. He made it a death penalty for Hebrews to circumcise their children bringing many faithful Jewish believers over to death (verse 12).
e. The prophesied time for the extreme persecution of this Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes is 2,300 evenings and mornings. The two ways of looking at this are either 2,300 days or 2,300 evening and morning burnt offering sacrifices making it 1,150 days (verse 13; Ex. 29:38-42; Numbers chapters 28, 29). Some Jewish and Christian scholars have calculated the reconsecration of the temple by the Jewish Maccabees to be exactly 1,150 days. The Jewish celebration of Hanukkah ( December 14, 164 B.C. ) celebrates this event (verse 14).
Thought: Yahweh cares and loves His people by revealing events, many in extraordinary detail, in His written revelation. These Scriptures should bring comfort, direction, and hope for His believers. Praise Yahweh “Hallelu-Yah.”
II. The angel Gabriel’s direct interpretation of the vision to Daniel (Daniel 8:15 -27).
A. Gabriel seems to be Yahweh’s messenger specifically to His Jewish people. This is the first place in Scripture where he is mentioned by name but he is mentioned three other times (verses 15, 16; Dan. 9:21 ; Luke 1:19 , 26).
B. Gabriel explains that the vision occurs at “an appointed time of the end” and “a time of wrath.” The idea of these statements seem to directly relate to the Antiochus IV Epiphanes time frame but could possibly hint at a preview of the time before the return of Christ (verses 17-19; Dan. 9:20-27; 11:36-12:3; Matt. 24:14-30; Rev. 3:10, 11).
C. Prophetic insights into Israel , the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes, and a possible glimpse into some of the characteristics of the antichrist (verses 20-26).
1. Yahweh’s discipline was going to once again fall on Israel due to their rebellion, transgression, and sin. They were becoming corrupt, buying the high priesthood from Antiochus IV, and breaking the Mosaic covenant which they were under (verse 23a).
2. Antiochus IV would be severe, deceitful (winning the Jews over and then turning on them), powerful, and ultimately motivated by Satan. He will cause devastation in Israel , Jerusalem , the Temple and be a destroyer of Yahweh’s holy people (verses 23b-26, the details of this will be studied further in Daniel 11:21 -36, also for a history read the Apocryphal book of I Maccabees chapters 1-6 and Josephus chapter 16).
3. Daniel was distraught and disturbed at contemplating that the true people of Israel , after returning to the Beautiful Land from exile, will have to go through more trial later on. However, little does he know that he will be receiving more visions to come which will all be sealed up, written in Hebrew, for the time of the end (verse 27; Daniel 12:4).
Thought: Israel struggled with sin through their history with Yahweh, was disciplined and yet unconditionally loved! We as New Testament believers have the same sin, the same God, and yet more grace and Holy Spirit power because Christ has already died and rose again! (2 Cor. 3:4-18; Heb. 12:4-13)
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