Thursday, December 17, 2009

Daniel 11:36 – 12:13



Part 7: Events Prophesied About the Antichrist, Israel’s

Tribulation Period, Israel’s Deliverance, The Resurrection of the

Just and Unjust and the Inheritance of the Saints

Daniel 11:36 – 12:13

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. At the “time of the end” a future king will arise who will extensively conquer the area around Israel , exalt himself at the peril of any who oppose him, and be in the center of the great “end time” war centered in Israel . However, Yahweh’s ultimate plan is to destroy this king who appears to be the New Testament antichrist (Daniel 11:36 -45).

A. There seems to be a switch that happens in verse 36 to a different person other than Antiochus IV Epiphanes who has some of the same characteristics as this king and yet many differences. We discussed some of these in the last teaching. Many times prophetic writing moves directly into new events with only contextual and scripturally discerned clues to help (look at Isaiah 61:1,2 as it compares with where Jesus stopped reading in Luke 4:18 ,19).

B. Some of the king’s (antichrist’s) traits and values (verses 36-39).

1. The king has great authority and power to do as he pleases. Future Scripture explains the source of his power in the ten king coalition and Satan himself (verse 36a; Rev. 16:12-14, 17:12 , 13).

2. The king is a blasphemer of Yahweh and an exalter of himself (verses 36b- 37; Dan. 7:25 ; 2 Thes. 2:1-4; Rev. 13:14-16; 14:9-12).

a. Even though Antiochus IV blasphemed Yahweh and hated the Jews, he never placed an image of himself to be worshipped but that of the Greek god Zeus.

b. The “one desired by women” who the king has no regard for is probably either a special cult worship practiced by women such as the old Tammuz or Adonis worship (Ezek. 8:14 ) or every Jewish woman’s desire to be the mother of the Messiah (Luke 1:42 ). If the last one is correct, the antichrist would have no regard for the worship involving the true Christ!

3. The king sets aside everything belonging to his religious heritage (some type of worship from the revived Roman world) and worships a foreign god of fortresses (possibly producing military strength derived from Satan) (verses 38, 39; Rev. 13:3-8).

C. The last great world war involving the antichrist king before the coming of the true Christ King to rule Israel and this earth (verses 40-45).

1. This military activity of this antichrist king seems to line up with the last seven year tribulation period prophesied for Israel (Daniel 9:26b-27). It further is narrowed down to the last 3 ½ year period called the “great tribulation” for Israel (Daniel 12:1, 7; Matt. 24:15-25). It seems to finish at the end of this 3 ½ years concluding with the final battle of the kings and the antichrist against the true Messiah at Armegeddon (Har-Megiddo) in Israel (Zech. 14:1-5; Rev. 16:14-16; 17:12 -14; 19:17 -21).

2. The antichrist king engages in battle with a king from the South ( Egypt ) and a king from the North (possibly Russia , Ezek. 38:11-15) who’s military is well equipped (verse 40a). However, the antichrist king seems to be able to pass through and conquer them easily (verse 40b).

3. During the antichrist king’s military campaigns, he easily conquers many nations and countries including Israel (the Beautiful Land ). However, the area of modern day Jordon ( Edom , Moab , Ammon) he does not conquer for some reason (verse 41).

4. He conquers all of Egypt along with their Arab allies the Libyans and Nubians gaining total control of their wealth. By this time the antichrist king appears to be very powerful (verses 42, 43)

5. At the height of his power, the antichrist king hears disturbing reports of an Eastern military (possibly the 200 million army of Rev. 9:16) and a Northern military (possibly a powerfully reassembled Russian army, Ezek. 38:14-16) and sets out to destroy them with rage (verse 44).

6. The antichrist king chooses for his base of operations the land of Israel and probably Jerusalem (the beautiful holy mountain) itself. However, Yahweh Jesus the true Christ (Messiah) at the appointed time comes to rescue Israel, put an end to this false reign, and establish true righteousness (verse 45; Zech. 14:4-19; Matt. 25:31-34; Rev. 19:11-20:6).

II. Israel ’s prophesied deliverance and the bodily resurrection of the righteous Yahweh believers (who have been written in His book) as well as the unrighteous non-believers (Daniel 12:1-3).

A. The arch angel Michael (who we saw in Daniel 10:21 and we see again in Jude 9) seems to have a particular job assignment of protecting the remnant people and nation of Israel (verse 1a). During this time of the nations great distress or tribulation (verse 1b; Matt. 24:21), he accomplishes his final assignment of helping to deliver every one written in Yahweh Jesus’ book (verse 1c; Zech. 12:10 -13:1; Rev. 13:8, 17:8, 20:12 ).

B. One of the clearest verses for the bodily resurrection from the dead for the whole human race is found in Daniel 12:2 (see also Job 19:26 ; Psalms 17:15 , 73:23, 24; Isa. 25:8, 26:19). There seemed to be special reward for those who walked and served Yahweh in a wise, intelligent way (verse 3).

1. There has seemed to be further revelation of several resurrections in Scripture as time went on such as: 1) the resurrection of Christ bodily and the righteous spirits with Him (I Cor. 15:23 ; Phil. 1:23), 2) the bodily resurrection of the saints at Christ’s second coming (I Cor. 15:23; I Thes. 5:13 -18), 3) the bodily resurrection of the tribulation saints (Rev. 20:5), 4) the bodily resurrection of non-believers (Rev. 20:11-13).

2. There is a special reward given for those who have walked with and served Yahweh in a wise and intelligent way which leads others in the way of righteousness (verse 3; Matt. 20:27 -30; I Cor. 3:8-15; Rev. 22:12).

Thought: Praise Yahweh for His protection and plan. Praise Him for including you and dedicate yourself to His kingdom purposes.

III. Daniel is told to seal up the scroll so that it can be studied by others and two questions are asked (Daniel 12:4-13).

A. In Daniel’s time, important documents would be copied off the original document but the original was “closed up” (put in a secure place) and sealed (with wax). The original then could be consulted at a later date to make sure the copies were true. It was to be preserved until the “time of the end.” The ability to understand this revelation would increase over time (verse 4).

B. One of the angels asked the man dressed in linen (Daniel 10:5) how long the astonishing things (probably of Daniel 11:36 -12:1) will take to be completed or fulfilled? (verses 5-7; I. Peter 1:12)

1. With holy hands raised toward the heavens the man tells the inquiring angel that it would be 3 ½ years (verses 5-7b; Daniel 7:25 , 9:27 ; Rev. 12:6).

2. When the Jews have reached rock bottom and are powerless is when their once rejected Messiah returns to save them (verse 7c; Zech. 14:1-3; Rev. 17:12-15).

C. Daniel then asks his final question about the outcome of these events for Israel and himself (verses 8-13).

1. He was basically told that many in Israel will believe and grow in righteous perseverance through the years and was given the assurance of a constant remnant (verses 8-10).

2. He was given two times to record for other Bible students of 30 days before the 3 ½ years and 45 days after the 3 ½ years (verses 11, 12).

a. For the wise believers during this time they would have a 30 day advance warning before the great distress or great tribulation starts (verse 11).

b. For the wise believers who have lived through the full tribulation, there is 45 days after the antichrist’s end until the full Millennial blessings begin (verse 12).

3. Daniel himself is told that we will have continued blessing in this life, and rest, bodily resurrection and kingdom reward in the next (verse 13).

May Yahweh, the Ancient of Days and our Son of God who will come and do exactly as He has promised, bless you all!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Daniel 11:21-45


Part 6: Events Prophesied and Battles Over the Land of Israel During Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Antichrist Who Comes During Daniel’s 70th Week or the Time of the End.

Daniel 11:21-45
As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The Grecian King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-163 B.C.) causes specific problems and distressful times for the Jewish people (Daniel 11:21 -35).

A. The prophesied “contemptible person” or “despicable person” of verse 21 comes perfectly in Grecian history (given in Daniel 11:3-20 previously) as Antiochus IV Epiphanes (175-163 B.C.). He followed his brother Seleucus IV (187-176 B.C.) as one of the kings from the north of Israel who have been in control of the land of Palestine or Israel since around 200 B.C.

1. Antiochus IV was not in the line of royalty because his brother Seleucus IV had a son named Demetrious Soter who should have been the rightful ruler after Seleucus IV was assassinated by poisoning. However, Demetrious was still a hostage of Rome (as part of the 20 hostages sent by Antiochus III being conquered). Antiochus IV was supposed to be prince regent until Seleucus IV release but promised the government officials favors and bribes to allow him to remain as king (verse 21).

2. The book of Daniel has prophesied previously about this man in Daniel
8:9-14 specifically and then probably partially about this man and partially about the end time antichrist in Daniel 8:17 -26 (“time of the end” Daniel 8:17 , “later in the time of wrath” Daniel 8:19 , “the distant future” Daniel 8:26). Therefore, Daniel chapter 8 seems to start a correlation between Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the end time antichrist which becomes fully substantiated in Daniel chapter 11 (if the texts are exegeted literally, grammatically, and contextually).

B. He was a person who used deceit to his advantage. He would befriend people and nations offering them peace and then seek to destroy them by catching them off guard (verses 22-35).

1. The empowerment of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (north) and the battles against Egypt (verses 22 -30).

a. Verse 22 lays out in summary form the two important events describing Antiochus IV: 1) The defeating (for a time) of the Egyptian army, and 2) The destruction (for a time) of the Jewish High Priesthood. Ptolemy VI (181-145 B.C., south) waged a great war to try to take back Palestine ( Israel ) but was defeated and captured in 170 B.C. by Antiochus IV (north). About this same time, the Jewish High Priest office “the prince of the covenant” was corrupted due to bribery offered to Antiochus IV. This produced the ousting and killing of the rightful High Priest Onias III in 171 B.C.

b. Verses 23 and 24 lays out Antiochus IV mode of operation. He would deceitfully come to an agreement with Ptolemy VI and end up returning to his own country with great wealth to be distributed to buy future favors. In the process he will attain a limited success against the stronghold of Egypt .

c. Verses 25-30 give us Antiochus IV two campaigns against Egypt , his personal frustration of not accomplishing all of his goals and his growing hatred toward the Jewish people.

1. The first campaign of 170 B.C. against Egypt is found in verses 25-28. As Ptolemy VI (south) came up to try and conquer back Palestine (Israel), Antiochus IV (north) came against this large Egyptian army but the army and counselors of the Egyptian army betrayed their king (verses 25, 26). Antiochus IV and Ptolemy VI ended up striking an agreement, giving Antiochus IV great wealth and other political concessions but both kings had deceit in their hearts (verse 27). On his way back to Syria , Antiochus IV and his army desecrated the temple by looting it and killing many Jews (verse 28).

2. The second campaign of 168 B.C. against Egypt is found in verses 29 and 30. Antiochus IV took his large army retracing the territories he conquered in Egypt because of a revolt on the part of Egypt to their agreement. His intent was to take Egypt over completely on this campaign but Roman warships sailed from the island of Cyprus and met Antiochus IV in Alexandria . They informed him that if he didn’t turn back that they would consider this an act of war against Rome (verses 29, 30a). He and his army turned back but he decided to really vent his fury on the people of Israel this time and reward any Jew who would forsake their God in favor of worshipping the Greek god Zeus (verse 30b, c).

C. The three-plus years of extreme trouble which Antioch IV Epiphanes caused for the Jews in Israel during 167-164 B.C. (verses 31-35).

1. On December 16, 167 B.C. an alter to the Greek god Zeus was placed on the altar of burnt offering at the Hebrew temple and a pig was sacrificed on it. They were supposed to do this on the 25th of every month in honor of Antiochus IV birthday or risk death (verse 31).

2. The Jews who violated the covenant of Yahweh received special favors and privileges but a remnant resisted. A priest named Mattathias and his five sons formed a movement of resistance that became know as the Maccabean “hammer” revolt (verse 32).

3. According to the historical record over a hundred thousand Jews lost their lives during this time but it lasted a predetermined time of a little over three years (verses 33-35, I and II Maccabees, Josephus chapter 16).
Thought: Yahweh has faithfully chosen His servants to write down prophecy years, centuries, and millennia in advance. He did this so that we can be informed as to what He is doing and allowing. As we meditate on the Scriptures, we grow, are more informed, strengthened, and comforted in the process. Praise Yah! (I Timothy 3:13-16; II Tim. 3:14-16)

III. The future end time Antichrist who rises to power during Daniel’s 70th week and brings great distress to Israel for a predetermined span of 3.5 years (Dan. 11:36 -45).

A. There seems to be a switch that happens in verse 36 to a different person other than Antiochus IV Epiphanes who has some of the same characteristics but yet many differences.

1. The king is going to be attacked by a future king of the south and north (verse 40). Antiochus IV was the king of the north and was not attacked by another king of the north.

2. This king is either a self-worshipping egomaniac or/and an atheist (verses 36 and 37). Antiochus IV was a Zeus, Jupiter, and Greek god worshipper.

3. The amount of countries and extent of control this king has is much greater than Antiochus IV (verses 40-43).

4. This king seems to be in Israel between the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea at the time of a great battle and what appears to be his demise (verses 44, 45). Antiochus IV died insane in Persia in 163 B.C.

5. Right after the events of this king, the righteous are resurrected to inherit Daniel’s 5th and final kingdom. This kingdom is the everlasting kingdom of the Son of God, Yahweh Jesus, who will rule this earth and then the New Heaven and New Earth (Daniel 12:1-3, 11-13, 2:45, 4:34, 7:26,27, 9:24; Rev. 19:11-22:6). The death of Antiochus IV didn’t bring any of these things.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Daniel 11:1-20







Daniel 11:1-20

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The spiritual and physical battles over the land of Israel during the years of about 538 B.C. to about 323 B.C. (Daniel 11:1-4).

A. There are spiritual battles carried out by angelic spiritual beings over the kingdom plans of Yahweh concerning Israel ’s future (verse 1).

1. The angelic messenger of Daniel 10:4-21, possibly Gabriel, explains that a battle was going on in heaven for the things that were happening in the land of Israel against an anti-Yahweh angel heading the nation of Persia .

2. This Yahweh angelic messenger either strengthened Darius the Mede (539- 538 B.C.) the assigned ruler of Medo-Persia, the arch angel Michael in his spiritual battle, or both.

B. The Medo-Persian Empire ruled from 539-331 B.C. with 11 or 12 kings. However, after the first four kings, Greece gained significant victories and progressively grew stronger (verse 3).

1. The four kings after King Cyrus (559-530 B.C.) were Cambyses (530-522 B.C.), Pseudo-Smerdis (522-521 B.C.), Darius I (521-486 B.C.), and Xerxes I (486-465 B.C.).

2. Xerxes I is also known as Ahasuerus, the king found in the book of Esther.

During his reign the kingdom became extremely rich due to its expansion and empire building. After reducing Athens to ashes with his million man army, Xerxes navy was defeated in an embarrassing fashion by the Greek navy and forced to retreat back to Asia . Yahweh sovereignly delivered His Jewish people from vile Haman, during Xerxes I reign through Esther and Mordecai (Esther 3:13 ; 7:3-6; 8:11 -16).

C. The kingdom of Greece ruled from 331 B.C. to approximately 168 B.C. It was conquered by Alexander the Great in under three years from 333-331 B.C. (verse 3). However, in 323 B.C. he died without children and four of his generals battled it out and claimed their right to rule the kingdom of Greece :

1) Cassander- Massedonia and Greece ; 2) Lysimachus-Thrace and Bithynia ;

3) Ptolemy-Egypt and Palestine ; and 4) Seleucus-Phrygia to the Indus River (verse 4, also previously discussed in Daniel 7:6; 8:5-8).

Thought: Yahweh is faithful in protecting His people through the ages and giving them prophesy in advance through His prophets and eventually His New Testament apostles. Hallelu-Yah!

II. The spiritual and physical battles over the land of Israel during the years of about 323 B.C. to about 175 B.C. (Daniel 11:5-20).

A. The king of the south (Egypt etc.) is the line of rulers in Greece under Ptolemy and the king of the north (Syria etc.) are the line of rulers under Seleucus in reference to the land of Israel (the Beautiful Land of verse 16).

B. Daniel 11:5-20 gives the reader of Scripture a prophesied partial history of the Ptolemaic and Seleucid kings, the Seleucid control of Palestine ( Israel ) leading up to the “contemptible” Seleucid king of Antiochus IV Epiphanes which will start at verse 21.

1. Palestine ( Israel ) was originally under Ptolemaic control but was a battled over area. Ptolemy I (south) 323-285 B.C. became strong but Seleucis I who was originally a commander in his army ended up becoming the main commander and eventual king of the north in Syria and Phoenicia in 310 B.C. (verse 5). After years of warring, Antiochus II (262-246 B.C north) married Berenice the daughter of Ptolemy II (285-246 B.C. south). However, Antiochus II had already had a wife Laodice whom he divorced and exiled. She was able to successfully have Berenice assassinated and Antiochus II poisoned and took over power as Queen Regent until her son Seleucus II could reign (verse 7). Ptolemy III (246-221 B.C., south) avenged his sisters death with a war that pillaged the northern capital city Antioch (verses 7, 8). Seleucus II (246-227 B.C., north) fought back and regained control of Syria and Phoenicia around 230 B.C. but was unsuccessful in Egypt (verse 9). His sons Seleucus III (227-223 B.C. north) expanded the kingdom in Asia Minor before being killed on a military campaign and Antiochus III (223-187 B.C. north) gained total control of the land of Palestine (Israel) forcing the southern forces to the southern border of Palestine (Israel) (verse 10). Then Ptolemy IV (221-204 B.C. south) initially held off Antiochus III larger army killing thousands. However, when an even larger army returned after Ptolemy IV died, a young

Ptolemy V (204-181 B.C. south) was defeated all the way down to the fortress of Gaza in 201 B.C. (verses 11-13). Philip V of Macedonia , pro- Seleucid Jews (zealots), and Antiochus III were all against Egypt at this time. In this revelation and vision, Daniel wrote to worn the Jews not to align themselves but without success because they did not put these words into practice (verse 14). The fortified city is probably Sidon in 203 B.C. (verse15).

2. In 199 B.C., the Seleucids (north kingdom) controlled the Beautiful Land ( Israel ) (verse 16).

3. Antiochus III the Great desired to unite the kingdom of Greece under his authority and bring back the glory of the original Alexander the Great’s kingdom but failed to do so (verses 17-20).

a. He gave his daughter (Cleopatra) in marriage to the young 12 year old ruler Ptolemy V (204-181 B.C.south) in Egypt . He did this in hopes of them having a son to unite the Ptolemaic and Seleucid empires. However, Cleopatra ended up becoming completely sympathetic with her husband. Antiochus III died in 187 B.C., her husband died in 181 B.C., and she became the queen regent when her son Ptolemy VI (181 – 145 B.C., south) took over (verse 17).

b. He then started trying to conquer Pergamum and Rhodes which were part of the Roman kingdom. After going into a battle at Magnesia with 70,000 troops against 30,000 Roman troops and being defeated, he was forced to sign the Treaty of Apamea in 188 B.C. In the treaty, he had to surrender any of his claims to Europe and most of Asia Minor, the entire elephant brigade, all his navy, twenty selected hostages (which included his second son Antiochus IV), and a large yearly payment to Rome. He returned to his own country where he died a year later (188 B.C.) (verses 18, 19).

c. Antiochus III oldest son became king by the name of Seleucus IV (187 – 176 B.C. north). He sent out a special fund raiser named Heliodorus to collect funds to continue to pay the Roman treaty bills and run his kingdom. There is a report that Heliodorus was going to rob the Jerusalem temple and plunder it but had a vision of mighty angels flogging him and so he did not do this (2 Maccabees 3:7-40).

Seleucus IV was poisoned by Heliodorus in 176 B.C. and died.

Thought: As New Testament believers, what Scriptural revelation has been spoken into our lives that we are not obeying or not fully applying to our daily experiences?

Look at what Jesus said about this in Matthew 7:24-27.