Paeter Frandsen, here! Just wanted to let you know that this blog will now be returning to a weekly posting schedule. As smart as Dave is, some of his earlier notes (including those on Romans) had not yet entered the digital age, and so required me to type them up to post each week, which was sometimes tough to do with all I've got going on.
But from here on out I'll be posting notes that are already in a digital format and just require me to copy and paste, making weekly updates much more possible.
Thanks for your patience!
Next up is 31 weeks of Dave's teaching notes for the book of Revelation. I had the pleasure of being in Dave's class when he presented his teaching on this. His approach is very logical and grounded and treats the text with the greatest respect, as always. The book of Revelation isn't something I plan to tackle anytime soon in my blog

-Paeter Frandsen