Thursday, November 29, 2012

Revelation 17:1-18



Revelation 17:1-18

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The false religion at the time of the Antichrist’s rule and reign comes out of the same strain of satanically motivated anti-Yahweh and anti-Messiah religions from all time (Rev. 17:1-6a).

A. The Apostle John receives this message from one of the seven angels that have just delivered the seven bowl judgments to give added information. The wrath of Yahweh had to be poured out (Rev. 14.8, 16:19) on the satanically corrupted religious system (great prostitute controlling most of the world population Rev. 17:15) in order for Yahweh’s ultimate pure system to finally be established in Revelation 21:9 (verse 1).

1. The kings of the earth have committed “sexual immorality” with her by believing her message instead of Yahweh’s (verse 2a; Isa. 23:15-17; Jer. 2:20-31).

2. The “wine” of her sexual immorality (Rev. 14:8) is judged by the “wine” of the fury of Yahweh’s wrath (Rev. 16:19). The wine can be the finished product of evil as well as good (verse 2a; Matt. 26:29; Jer. 51:7-14).

B. The Apostle John is carried away (in the Spirit) to a wilderness to receive the vision of the prostitute and the corrupt city of Babylon, whereas, he is carried to a high mountain in Revelation 21:10 to receive the glorious vision of the holy city Jerusalem (verses 3-5).

1. The wilderness or desert in this context is prophesying the dryness of the prostitutes influence which will lead to Babylon the Greats destruction (much like Isaiah did with the previous nation of Babylon in Isaiah 21:1-10) (verse 3a).

2. The prostitute is sitting on the same beast of Revelation 12:3 only this time we are told that it is scarlet colored (probably representing sin, Isaiah 1:18) or blood (Rev. 16:6). The beast represents the seven-headed satanically influenced world empires that have opposed Yahweh’s believers throughout history (probably Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Greece, and Rome) as well as the ten-horned (ten kinged) revived Roman Empire at the time of the Antichrist. Each of these empires had and will have false religious systems that oppose Yahweh blaspheming (cursing) His name (verse 3b).

3. The prostitute deceives the nations by her appealing outer beauty and her promises of wealth and fulfillment. However, what she really offers are abominations which are detestable in Yahweh’s sight and provoke His wrath (verse 4; I Sam. 16:7; Jer. 13:27; Ezek. 5:9).

4. There are three main views of how to understand the use of Babylon in the book of Revelation: 1) It is symbolic of the Roman Empire of John’s day (I Pet. 5:13); 2) It is rebuilt Babylon on the Euphrates River during the time of the Antichrist; 3) It is symbolic of all false religion and proud human society that has tried to live without Yahweh or His help throughout time (Gen. 11:1-9, Dan. 4:30). I would see Babylon as a Revived Roman Empire that is still future from now (some of #1) with a capital city that reflects the glory of a rebuilt city of Babylon (not necessarily on the Euphrates, part of #2) and a false religion incorporating Satan’s full deceit and demonic schemes (all of #3) (verse 5).

5. Throughout time Satan’s false religions have brought suffering and persecution to those who seek to acknowledge Israel’s Yahweh as their God and believe in Messiah Jesus (verse 6a; Dan. 7:25; Matt. 24:21; Rev. 13:10).

THOUGHT: False religion comes from satanic influence on peoples minds and can bring destructive thoughts, wrong living, physical death, and spiritual death (John 10:10). This will all be judged by Yahweh Jesus soon (Rev. 19:11 – 20:15).

II. The mystery of the woman and the beast is revealed by the angel as ultimately being conquered by the Lamb and His saints (Rev. 17:6b-14).

A. The Apostle John was marveling with great wonder at the sight of the prostitute riding the beast. He was either perplexed, distressed, and/or questioning if she could be overcome. The context seems to imply all three (verses 6b, 7; Dan. 7:28, 8:27, 10:7, 8, 12:8).

B. The coming Antichrist is now revealed to the Apostle John as the person who will rise out of these seven nations and rule over these ten kings to make war against Yahweh (verses 8-14).

1. Just like Revelation chapter 12 and 13 moves from the seven empire beast to the personal Antichrist beast, so does Revelation 17:1-7 (seven empire beast) move to the personal Antichrist beast in Revelation 17:8. Yahweh Jesus “is and was and is to come”
(Rev. 1:4, 8) but the Antichrist “was and is not”…and (will) “go to destruction.” Therefore, truth, salvation, and eternal life lie with the true Christ and not the Antichrist (verse 8).

a. The beast “was” could be either a type of the beast ruler found in Daniel 7 and/or the antichrists that have come against Israel and the church throughout history
(I John 2:22). Some teachers have thought the Antichrist might believe himself to be a reincarnated emperor.

b. The Antichrist “was not” alive at the time of the writing of Revelation. 

c. The Antichrist appears to the world to have died and been reincarnated (Rev. 13:3) but in reality he became possessed by Satan or one of the demons (Rev. 11:7, 13:4).

d. The Antichrist will “go to destruction.” (Rev. 19:20).

2. The seven mountains and kings that become an eighth take spiritual wisdom and discernment to figure out (verses 9-11). There are two main possibilities for the futurist interpretation:

a. They are seven real Roman kings (Rome was said to be built on seven hills), five that existed before John (that have died or been killed), one that is (Domitian or Nero if a person adopts an earlier date), one that will come for a short time and then the Antichrist at the end. However, it is hard for the timing of the Roman kings to fit properly. A list of the Roman Emperors is as follows: Julius Caesar (44 B.C.), Augustus (27 B.C. - 14 A.D.), Tiberius (14-37 A.D.), Caligula (37-41 A.D.), Claudius (41-54 A.D.), Nero (54-68 A.D.) Galba, Otho, Vitellius (68-69 A.D.), Vespasian (69-79 A.D.), Titus 79-81 A.D.), Domitian (81-96 A.D.), Nerva (96-98 A.D.), and Trajan (98-117 A.D.).

b. They are seven empires (mountains are used for empires in Scripture in Psalm 30:7, Psalm 68:15, 16; Isa. 2:2, 41:15; Jer. 51:25; Dan. 2:35; Zech. 4:7) that are probably Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the Revived Roman Empire. Of these, the first five have fallen, Rome exists at the time of Revelation, the ten-nation revived Roman Empire will exist for a short time, and the Antichrist’s kingdom will be the eighth. This seems to best fit the Scriptures of Daniel 7:1-28, Revelation 12:3, and 13:1. However, it does take combining the empires of Media and Persia, as Daniel does, to make it work.

3. The ten kings rule a major part of the earth for a short time but when the Antichrist comes on the scene, they choose to hand their power over to him (Dan. 7:19-22). Together they make war against Yahweh’s people although three of the original kings fall, but are finally conquered by the Lamb and His saints (verses 12-14; Daniel 7:20-28; Rev. 19:11-16).

III. Yahweh’s judgment on the prostitute (the satanic religion during the time of the ten kings and Antichrist) is ironically partly carried out by the ten-kinged kingdom led by the Antichrist
(Revelation 17:15-18).

A. The false religion of Satan controls the world during the time of the ten-kinged kingdom and the Antichrist from the great city Babylon (verses 15, 18; II Thes. 2:3-12; Rev. 13:5-18).

B. Yahweh exalts Himself and shows His power over the kingdom of darkness by putting a plan inside the hearts of the demonically controlled kings and Antichrist to turn against the prostitute. In so doing, Satan’s power and supposed kingdom divides against itself as Jesus predicted (Mark 3:23-26; John 10:7-21). Evidently, the end time city called Babylon the great which ruled the world through its false religion gets conquered and burned up by its own people (verses 16, 17).

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Revelation 16:10-21



Revelation 16:10-21

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The fifth bowl judgment brings total darkness to the throne and kingdom of the beast
(Revelation 16:10, 11).

A. Yahweh’s wrath is specifically being poured out on the throne and kingdom of the beast (Antichrist). Those who willingly have chosen to follow and worship the beast, who is under Satan’s authority, instead of the true God and His Christ receive these judgments. These judgments originate from Yahweh’s throne and temple (Rev. 8:2-5, 11:18, 19, 15:1, 2, 8, 16:1, 17) and are delivered to the beast’s throne and kingdom (verse 10; Rev. 13:4-18, 16:2).

B. This is similar to the ninth Egyptian plague (Ex. 10:21-29) as well as the fourth trumpet judgment (Rev. 8:12), however, more intensive and extensive. The Egyptian plague lasted for three days only in Egypt with an intense “darkness to be felt” (Ex. 10:21-23). The fourth trumpet judgment brought total darkness (no moon, stars, or sun shining) to the entire earth for one-third of every 24 hour day for what was probably months (Rev. 8:12).

C. During this plague, total darkness came to the area of the beast’s throne and kingdom. This would have been most of the world since the bowl judgments are being given after the Antichrist’s reign has been in full force throughout the 3 ½ year Great Tribulation (verse 10; Rev. 11:1- 14:13).

1. This total darkness was probably for a number of days during the 30 to 75 days after the ending of the Great Tribulation (Dan. 12:11, 12).

2. This total darkness brings great anguish to its recipients to the point where they “gnawed their tongues” from the pain caused by this plague, the other plagues, and especially the sores on their bodies. However, instead of repenting and recognizing their powerlessness, they chose to blaspheme (curse) the God of heaven (verse 10c, 11).

THOUGHT: The “God of heaven” is a phrase found in Scripture which implies supreme rulership over everything and commands deep respect and awe. Even Nebuchadnezzar learned to praise and extol the only God of heaven (Dan. 2:18, 19, 37, 44; 4:1-3, 34-37;
See also Rev. 11:13).

II. The sixth bowl judgment prepares the area around Israel for the final battle of Armageddon which will happen right before Christ’s return to rule and reign (Revelation 16:12-16).

A. This bowl first stops the flow of the great Euphrates River so the eastern kings can join the battle in Israel (verse 12a).

1. This river flows through modern Iraq (ancient Babylon) and marked the eastern boundary of Israel’s Promised Land from Yahweh (Gen. 15:18; Deut. 1:7, 8; Josh. 1:4) as well as the eastern boundary of the Roman Empire at the time of the writing of the book of Revelation.

2. During this time of the sixth bowl judgment, right before Christ returns to rule and reign, demonic spirits will convince kings from the whole earth (areas that are now Russia, Iran, India, China, etc.) to come to a great battle in Israel (verses 12b-14).

a. Through the mouths of the dragon (Satan, Rev. 12:9), the beast (Antichrist,
Rev. 13:5) and the false prophet (the Antichrist’s prophet, Rev. 13:12), demons convince these leaders through various deceits and false wonders to come to Israel to a great battle. The frog was an “unclean” creature in the Jewish dietary laws (Lev. 11:10-11) and, therefore, the message by the demons was an unclean message of deceit and falsehood (verses 13, 14). 

b. This is going to be the prophesied, Scriptural event called “the battle or war on the great day of God the Almighty” (verse 14) or the “battle of Armageddon” (verse 16). Some of the Scriptures that seem to prophecy this event include Ezekiel 38:1 - 39:29, Daniel 11:36 – 12:1, Joel 2:11, 3:1-16, Zechariah 12:1 – 14:15, and 2 Thes. 2:8.

B. Yahweh Jesus encourages his saints during this time to stay awake and fully clothed. Christ’s return is now only days to a month or so away and they should stay on guard so as not to be ashamed. Those that are believers are very close to entering their reward (verse 15; 2 Peter 3:10; Rev. 19:8). This is the third beatitude or blessing out of seven in Revelation (Rev. 1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 14).

C. These kings will be assembled at a place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon (verse 16).

1. The most natural reading of this Greek transliterated word from Hebrew is mountain or hill (Hebrew – “har”) of Megiddo (Hebrew – “Megiddon”). The area of Megiddo would be well known to Hebrew readers of the Old Testament. It is found as the battlefield with Barak in Judges 4-5, Gideon in Judges 7, and was where King Saul, his sons, and Josiah fell to their deaths (I Sam. 31:1; 2 Chron. 35:22). It is found in a key prophetic passage in Zechariah 12:11 right next to the Apostle John’s theme verse of Zechariah 12:10 (Rev. 1:7).

2. The main problem in the minds of Bible students and teachers is that there is no identification of a Mount Megiddo. Megiddo is really a plain or valley approximately 15 miles wide and 20 miles long. It is close to Mt. Carmel and part of the Esdraelon Valley and is approximately 60 miles northwest of Jerusalem. Since the Hebrew word “har” can also mean “hill country” or the fact that Megiddo has mountains like Carmel and Gilboa around it, the apostle seemed to be identifying this particular geographical area.

3. More than likely, given all the prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, and Zechariah (and others), this was only one of the areas of the final war, although a major one. Scripture identifies specific events in and around Jerusalem itself in other prophesies at Christ’s return (Zech. 14:1-5).

III. The seventh bowl judgment finishes the wrath of Yahweh on this earth bringing a great earthquake and great hailstones (Rev. 16:17-21).

A. Yahweh’s message from His throne is that after this is poured out, His wrath is officially done. This is a momentous event in the history of eternity! (verse 17)

B A great earthquake larger than at anytime in history wraps up the wrath of Yahweh
(verses 18-20).

1. Jerusalem, the great city, was divided into three parts (verse 19a; Revelation 11:8;
Zechariah 14:1-5).

2. Whole cities in Gentile nations fell (verse 19b).

3. Babylon the great (the Antichrist’s national headquarters and capital city) was judged by this earthquake as well as many other plagues. This will be discussed in more detail in Revelation chapters 17 through 19.

4. The topography of the earth substantially changed. Every island fled (which means either totally disappeared or moved substantially) and mountains were substantially changed (some not found any longer) (verse 20).

C. Great hailstones of approximately 100 pounds fell from heaven bringing blasphemy (cursing) from the beast’s followers and an end to Yahweh’s wrath (verse 21).

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Revelation 16:1-9



Revelation 16:1-9

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The seven angels are commanded by Yahweh Himself to pour out their seven bowl judgments (Revelation 16:1).

A. The Day of Yahweh has been prophesied in Scripture for thousands of years
(Joel 2:28 – 3:2; Zeph. 1:14 – 2:3). The Day of Yahweh starts with wrath and ends with King Jesus bringing peace and restoration (Joel 3:1-21; Zech. 14:1-20; I Thes. 5:1-11; Rev. 6:16 – 22:21). The wrath of Yahweh starts after the sixth seal judgment (Rev. 6:16) and ends after the seventh bowl judgment (Rev. 15:1; Rev. 16:17).

B. Yahweh Himself gives the sacred and holy order to have these bowls poured out which finishes His wrath that has been delayed until this very moment in time (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19). He is the only one left in the Heavenly Temple at this time due to the power of His glory! (Rev. 15:8)

C. At the time of the seven bowl judgments, the Great Tribulation (last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 70th week) appears to be over and so these are poured out between the 30 and 75 days before Christ sets up His earthly Kingdom (Dan. 12:11, 12; Rev. 11:1 – 14:13).

THOUGHT: Have we lost the ability in our day and age to be in thankful awe at Yahweh’s perfect justice and perfect wrath? The messages of sin, evil, depravity, Christ’s work, the believer’s purchased righteousness and Yahweh Jesus’ earthly and eternal reigns depend on it.

II. The first four bowl judgments are poured out upon the beast-marked, image worshipping, blasphemers on this earth (Revelation 16:2-9).

A. The first bowl judgment brings harmful and painful sores to the people who refused Yahweh’s long-suffering warnings. They had been warned by the two witnesses (Rev. 11:3), saints of Jesus (Rev. 12:11, 17, 13:8), and angelic messengers (Rev. 14:6-11) but refused to believe in truth. This is similar to what happened during the sixth plague of Egypt in Exodus 9:9-11 (Rev. 16:2).

B. The second bowl judgment brings complete destruction of all salt water life. This bowl turned the sea into something like “the blood of a corpse” and, therefore, it could no longer support life itself. This worldwide plague is much more extensive than the first plague of Egypt in Exodus 7:14-21 or the second trumpet judgment in Revelation 8:8, 9 (Rev. 16:3).

C. The third bowl judgment turns all the fresh water areas on the earth into blood
(Rev. 16:4-7)

1. This is similar to the first plague of Egypt (Exodus 7:14-21) and the third trumpet judgment (Rev. 8:10, 11) but much more extensive since it is global in scope.

2. The “angel of the waters” is either the third angel who poured the bowl out or another angel with some authority over water who was sent to proclaim this message of Yahweh’s righteous judgment (verses 5-7).

a. Yahweh is perfectly righteous (acts rightly according to a perfect standard), as the only eternal being, in His judgment (verse 5; Rev. 1:4, 8, 4:8).

b. The judgment is right and fair because these unbelievers have shed the blood of Yahweh’s saints and prophets (verse 6; Rev. 11:18, 12:11, 17). Since they shed blood, they will drink blood instead of pure water (verse 6; Rev. 11:18, Rev. 12:11, 17, 13:10, 14:13).

c. The heavenly altar, which has received every prayer of Old and New Testament saints, adds its witness as to Yahweh’s true and righteous judgments. This message has been confirmed by three sets of witnesses: The saints in heaven (Rev. 11:17, 18, 15:3, 4), an angelic being (Rev. 16:5, 6), and now the heavenly altar itself (verse 7; Rev. 5:8, 8:3-5).

D. The fourth bowl judgment intensifies the heat of the sun which scorches with fire. Rather than repenting and giving Yahweh glory (respecting and acknowledging His right to rule and reign), they were blaspheming (cursing or defaming) His name (verses 8, 9; Rev. 9:20, 21; 16:11, 21). 

THOUGHT: “Yahweh has bared His holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” Isaiah 52:10

“Seek Yahweh all you humble of the land… perhaps you may be hidden on the Day of the anger of Yahweh.” Zeph. 2:3

Friday, July 13, 2012

Revelation 15:1-8



Revelation 15:1-8

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Seven angels bring the seven last plagues from the heavenly temple which will finish up God’s wrath (Revelation 15:1).

A. This is a summary statement which reveals the ultimate purpose of the three heavenly signs given in Revelation 12:1, 3 and 15:1. The purpose of Yahweh’s three heavenly signs is the finishing up of Yahweh’s promised wrath on earth before Yahweh Jesus returns to rule and reign.

1. Yahweh’s work in this world has been carried out through His plans with believing Israel (the first sign, woman of Rev. 12:1), her male child the Messiah (Rev. 12:5), and His persecuted followers (Rev. 12:6-17, 13:5-10, 14:12, 13).

2. Satan’s work in deceiving this world and its empires (the second sign, great red dragon, Rev.12:3) has relentlessly persecuted believing Israel, the Messiah, and the Messiah’s followers. Before and during the Great Tribulation (the last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 70th week of 7 years) Satan formed a ten nation powerful confederacy. With the Antichrist as this confederacy’s leader, he would seek world domination and try to annihilate Yahweh’s name from off this earth (Revelation chapters 12 and 13).

3. The seven angels with the seven last plagues (the third sign, Rev. 15:1) brings an end to the war that has been happening on this earth due to Satan’s deceit, lies, and accusations. These seven angels bring Yahweh’s wrath to this earth.

B. The coming seven plagues finish up the wrath of Yahweh which was started between the 6th and 7th seal (Rev. 6:16, first time the term is used) and has already included all of the trumpet judgments (Rev. 8:1 – 9:20). The plagues seem to be specific to the trumpet and bowl judgments (Rev. 9:20, 15:1, 22:18).

C. The Pre-wrath tribulation position sees the seven bowl judgments taking place after the Great Tribulation has finished (since Rev. 11-14 is primarily dealing with this time period and
Rev. 15:2 discusses overcoming the beast in the past tense due to “standing” being a perfect participle). Therefore, these seven bowls would be poured out between the 30 and 75 days after the Great Tribulation and before Christ sets up His earthly kingdom (Dan. 12:11, 12).

THOUGHT: Christ’s work of redemption for this world was finished at the cross (John 19:30). Christ’s work of wrath for this world will be finished after the seventh bowl judgment (Rev. 15:1, 16:17). Read Isaiah 61:1-2 and Luke 4:18-20 and see how long Yahweh is willing to delay the execution of his wrath between Isaiah 61:2a and Isaiah 61:2b.

II. The song of the overcoming saints after the Great Tribulation (Rev. 15:2-4).

A. The overcoming saints of the Great Tribulation stand before Yahweh’s throne in heaven in all its splendor and majesty (sea of glass, also Ezekiel 1:22, Rev. 4:6) and because of these and the previous saints sufferings, the sea of glass is this time mingled with fire (the image of judgment Rev. 14:10, 19:20) (verse 2a).

B. The overcoming ones (Greek – Nikontas, from Nike meaning victorious or conquering ones) had been standing and continue to stand before Yahweh’s throne because they walked close to Him through it all (Revelation 11:2, 7; 12:6, 11, 17; Rev. 13:10; 14:1-5, 12, 13). They did take part with the beast, his image, or his number as found (verse 2b; Rev. 13:1-18; 14:9-13).

C. The overcoming ones now receive their reward in heaven with the rest of the saints (verse 2b-4).

1. They are given their share of what they have overcome (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12,21).

2. They are given their reward at Christ’s judgment seat in heaven at the sounding of the seventh trumpet which is the beginning of the bowl judgments (Rev. 11:18; I Cor. 3:10-15; 2 Cor. 5:10).

3. They are given harps of God to sing songs to Yahweh (verse 2b).

a. They especially like to sing a song called “the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb.” The song of Moses deals with Yahweh’s rescuing and redeeming His saints of Israel (Ex. 15:1-19; Deut. 31:30 -32:43; Psalm 90). The song of the Lamb probably has to do with the ultimate rescuing and redeeming of both church and Israel saints from the time of the church through the Great Tribulation. Faithful service to Yahweh probably is also one of its themes (part of this song could be what’s recorded in Revelation 15:3b-4).

b. They sing of Yahweh Elohai Sabaoth’s (Lord God of Hosts or Almighty) (Amos 4:13; Rev.1:8, 4:8, 11:17) great and amazing deeds, just and true ways, and the fact that He is the King of the Nations (verse 3b, Psalms 2:10-12, 22:28, 47:8, 96:10, 110:5-7; Jer. 10:7).

c. They sing of the fear (reverential awe) and glory (respect and praise for His attributes) of His holiness (set apartness, transcendence, wholly otherness) and the fact that all nations will bow the knee to Yahweh Jesus (verse 4; Phil. 2:9, 10; Rev. 20:4, 21:22-27).

III. The ceremony of the seven angels with the seven bowls coming out of the temple in heaven (Revelation 15:5-8).

A. The seven angels are dressed in pure, bright linen (showing righteous purity) and golden sashes (sent by Yahweh’s kingly authority) and emerge from a part of the Heavenly Temple called the “tent of witness” or “tabernacle of testimony.” This seems to be similar to Rev. 11:19 and in the same place chronologically. The idea seems to be that humanity has fallen short of Yahweh’s law (located in the ark of Yahweh’s covenant or Testimony in the Holy of Holies), refuses Yahweh’s grace, and therefore will receive Yahweh’s perfect justice (verses 5, 6; Ex. 16:34, 25:16, 21, 27:21; Lev. 16:13; Deut. 10:1, 2).

B. The seven angels were commissioned by one of the four living creatures by giving each their golden bowl (Ex. 27:3; 2 Chron. 4:8) of Yahweh’s wrath. During this time of wrath, Yahweh’s glory cloud was so thick inside the Temple that no one could enter it probably due to the awesomeness of the situation (verses 7, 8; Exodus 40:34, 35; I Kings 8:10-12; Isaiah 6:1-4; Ezek.10:2-4).

Friday, July 6, 2012

Revelation 14:1-20


Revelation 14:1-20
As taught by Dave Lindstrom

BACKGROUND: The Apostle John divides this section up into three scenes with the words “and I saw” (kai eidon – Greek) used in verses 1, 6, and 14. After discussing Satan (Rev. 12), the Antichrist, his rise to power and his persecution of Christ’s saints (Rev. 13), John now turns to Yahweh’s assured victory over all opposing forces of evil in this chapter.

I. Scene One – Yahweh Jesus (the Lamb) will be victorious over evil and will faithfully bring His saints through the difficulties of this world and into the promised inheritance (Rev. 14:1-5).

A. Mount Zion can be found in the Old Testament as being Israel, Jerusalem, or the Temple Mount. It is the prophesied area on this earth where Yahweh Father sets up Yahweh Jesus to rule and reign (Psalm 2:6, 48:1-14; Isa. 24:23; Joel 2:32; Obad. 17, 21; Mic. 4:1, 7; Zach. 14:10). It also can refer to a heavenly mountain or city where Yahweh, the angels, and the heavenly saints live right now (Hebrews 12:22) (verse 1a).

B. The 144,000 Jewish believers from Rev. 7:2-8 which were sealed before the Day of Yahweh are shown on Mt. Zion with Yahweh Jesus the Lamb (verse 1b).

1. The seal which they receive back in Revelation 7:2-8 is revealed now as the Lamb’s name and Father’s name written on their foreheads.

2. In contrast to this Yahweh seal on the 144,000 is the previously mentioned Antichrist (Beast) mark given to Satan and Antichrist worshippers during this time frame in Revelation 13:16-18.

C. The scene pictures the 144,000 Jewish believers successfully making it through to the other side of this horrendous, traumatic time of Satan’s anger and Yahweh’s wrath with their testimony intact and morally blameless (verses 2-5).

2. These 144,000 male Jewish believers will voluntarily abstain from sex and marriage because of their commitment to Yahweh Jesus during this time. Even though the marriage bed is undefiled according to Hebrews 13:4, there are times when some believers are led to voluntarily not partake in it for the Kingdom of God’s sake (Matt. 19:12; I Cor. 7:1, 32). They were a firstfruit offering (aparche – Greek) for God and the Lamb.

3. The 144,000 Jewish believers will not be deceived by Satan’s and the Antichrist’s lies during this time because they walk so close to the Lamb in true discipleship (2 Thes. 2:7-12; Rev. 13:7-18).

THOUGHT: How is our discipleship with Yahweh Jesus right now? Are we following Him and offering ourselves to Him alone?

II. Scene Two – Yahweh’s grace is seen during the Great Tribulation because He sends three angelic messengers to bring the Gospel and warn the world of impending judgment (Rev. 14:6-13).

A. The first angel of this scene is flying in mid-heaven (evidently visible and able to be heard by those on earth) giving out the Gospel (good news) to everyone on the earth. He was “another angel” to differentiate from either the mid-heaven voice of Rev. 8:13 or the last angel John talked about which was Michael in Rev. 12:7. His message involved fearing (reverencing) God, giving Him glory (involving respect and repentance Rev. 11:13), and worship (belief and praise). This could be Matthew’s whole world gospel found in Matt. 24:14 (verses 6, 7).

B. The second angel of the scene prophesies the destruction of the Satanically influenced world system (Babylon the Great) and specifically the Antichrist’s capital city. This will be discussed in detail in Rev. 17:1 – 19:21 (verse 8).

C. The third angel of the scene warns the people on the earth not to take the mark of the beast (Antichrist) because all who do will face judgment and eternal separation from Yahweh in hell (verses 9-11) (Rev. 20:11-15).

D. The saints in the midst of the Great Tribulation are encouraged to endure and be faithful in order to receive their full reward even if it involves death (vs 12, 13).

III. Scene Three – Yahweh Jesus is the prophesied King and judge who will fulfill His word concerning the harvest of this earth (Rev. 14:14-20).

A. Yahweh Jesus is both the coming King and the coming Judge of this earth. He is identified as the “Son of Man” coming on the “clouds of heaven” as King in Daniel 7:13, 14. He is also identified as the coming judge in Daniel 7:26, Joel 3:1-16, Matt. 13:30, and John 5:27-29. John identifies Jesus scripturally without naming Him as the “golden crowned” King and the “sickle handed” Judge (verse 14).

B. Earthly judgment throughout the book of Revelation has come from the throne and temple of Yahweh in heaven. The angel at the appropriate time gives the word from the Father for Jesus to reap the “fully ripe” crop and He does His part of the reaping in one swipe. This is the judgment symbolizing the wheat harvest. Up until this time, Jesus has been letting believers and unbelievers live together (Matt. 13:24-30). After the Great Tribulation, Jesus will start the separation process with the bowl judgments (Rev. 15:1 – 16:20) and the sharp sword from His mouth (Rev. 19:15) (verses 15, 16).

C. After Jesus starts the judgment, the angels take over (Matt. 13:30). They do the judgments symbolizing the grape harvest. To harvest grapes, they need to be trampled in a wine press (trough) to get the juice to flow out. The end time judgment of this world is going to produce a massive crop because so many people will still refuse to believe (vs 17-20) (Joel 3:1-16; Rev. 16:16, 19:17).

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Revelation 13:1-18


Revelation 13:1-18

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. During the Great Tribulation (the last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 70th week of 7 years), the prophesied Revived Roman Empire with its Antichrist king devours the whole earth, blasphemes Yahweh, and wears out the saints (Revelation 13:1-10).

A. A ten nation Revived Roman Empire has evidently risen to power before the Great Tribulation which was blasphemous against the true God Yahweh (vs 1).

1. This was prophesied about in detail in Daniel 2:40-45 and 7:7-25 which was written around 530 B.C.!

2. The idea that it came out of the sea (vs 1) comes from the same idea as Daniel 7:3 and should be a context clue for the diligent reader. In the Old Testament and Hebrew mind, when the sea is used figuratively (according to context), it has to do with special satanic activity against Yahweh
(Job 26:12, 13; Ps. 89:9, 10; Isa. 27:1, 51:9-11). 

3. Satan was unsuccessful in preventing Yahweh’s Christ from being born in history and accomplishing His mission (Rev. 12:1-5) through the seven dominant nations (heads) of the world (Rev. 12:3, 13:1). These nations were probably Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Greece, and Rome. His plan during the last days and specifically during the Great Tribulation, where he has at that time been thrown out of heavenly access (Rev. 12:8), is to exert his power through the kings (horns) of this revived Roman group (Rev. 12:3; 13:1).

4. Evidently each of these ten kings did not believe in the true God, Yahweh, because they were characterized as blasphemous (in this context, words to cause injury or harm to Yahweh).

B. This ten nation empire was like a leopard (swift), a bear (strong), and a lion (ferocious). They also were like some of the characteristics of the three nations of Greece (leopard), Medo-Persia (bear), and Babylon (lion) found in Dan. 7:1-6 which was described before Rome and Revived Rome in Daniel 7:7, 8. This ten nation empire was satanically empowered and its eventual ruler, the Antichrist, was in possession (as well as satanically possessed) of all of Satan’s usurped authority of wickedness (vs 2).

C. The ten nation kingdom starts out being called a beast or the beast (vs 1, 2) but then it takes on the personification of its leader who seemed to be mortally wounded and then healed through Satan’s deceit. This person is known in the New Testament as the Antichrist (I John 2:22, 23; I John 4:3), the man of lawlessness (2 Thes. 2:3) or the beast (Rev. 13:3). 

1. The people on the earth at the Great Tribulation will worship Satan (the dragon, Rev. 12:9) and the beast (Antichrist) who personifies this end time Revived Roman Empire (vs 4).

2. Daniel 7:8 and 7:20 tell us that the Antichrist comes up after the ten nations (kings) are established in power. Revelation 17:12, 13 tell us that these ten kings willingly turned their power and authority over to the Antichrist. Then the same Daniel passages tell us that because of this “one from among them” three of the original ten fell and were plucked up by the roots. This would possibly leave seven or eight kings during the Great Tribulation.

3. The Antichrist (beast) was allowed by Yahweh to blaspheme Yahweh Himself, Yahweh’s heavenly creation, as well as make war on Yahweh’s earthly saints for 3 ½ years (the Great Tribulation, Dan. 7:25, 9:27, 12:7; Matt. 24:15-25; 2 Thes. 2:4-12; Rev. 11:3, 12:6, 14) (vs 5-10).

a. Daniel 7:20-25 and I Thes. 2:3-12 correlate this prophecy perfectly.

b. During this time, many Christian saints will be taken captive (as prisoners) or killed by the world government probably by being beheaded (Rev. 20:4, the “sword” is the symbol of death by the ruling power or nation, Rom. 13:4). According to the pre-wrath view, some (all true believers at this time) will have this time shortened by rapture (Matt. 24:22-31; Rev. 7:9-17) probably one to two years into it. Either way it calls for endurance and faith on the part of the saints.

II. During the Great Tribulation there will be a False Prophet whose goal is to proclaim the glories of Satan and the Antichrist (Rev. 13:11-18).

A. The False Prophet (beast) rose out of the earth (instead of the sea like the Antichrist). This probably implies that this man started out as a fairly normal human being having nothing originally to do with the ten nation empire or the Antichrist. However, he gradually let himself be swayed satanically by his choices. The two horns (probably power over many people) made him influential in deceiving people with what appeared to be a message of peace (lamb) and yet it was straight from Satan (dragon). He is called the False Prophet in Rev. 19:20 (verse 11).

B. His satanically driven goal is to bring the world into worshipping the Antichrist by a sophisticated form of deception and trickery (vs 12).

1. He convinces most of the world to believe that the Antichrist is God because of a supposed healing and miracles in the Antichrist’s presence. However, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 tells us that these are false signs and wonders (vs 13, 14a; Rev. 19:20).

2. He is instrumental in getting the Antichrist’s image set up in the Jerusalem Temple to be worshipped and somehow caused it to speak. This might be the abomination of desolation marking the beginning of the Great Tribulation (vs 14a, 15; Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24:15; 2 Thes. 2:4).

3. He causes there to be economic consequences and hardship to anyone not getting the Antichrist’s name or number on the right hand or forehead. The number which will be recognizable in the Great Tribulation is 666 (vs 16- 18).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Revelation 12:1-17



Revelation 12:1-17

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Revelation chapters 12 through 19 seem to form one unit of thought which gives details of the last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 70th week (Great Tribulation) through the return of Christ to rule and reign on this earth.

A. Revelation chapters 12-14 provides the diligent reader with parenthetical information on Satan’s wrath toward Christ and Christ’s people (chapter 12), the beast’s (Antichrist’s) satanic empowerment and cruel reign (chapter 13), and Yahweh’s triumph over the forces of Satan’s in the final harvest of evil (chapter 14).

B. Revelation chapters 15, 16 chronologically moves history forward past the blowing of the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:15) to the final seven bowls of judgment. These will finish Yahweh’s wrath on the earth and are specifically designed to purge evil and those who persist in choosing Satan over Yahweh from this earth.

C. Revelation chapters 17-19 provides the diligent reader with parenthetical information on the fall of the beast’s (Antichrist’s) capital city and therefore the final fall of satanically influenced leaders forever. It also unveils for us the marriage supper of the Lamb and the return of Christ with His saints.

D. The events of the final harvest of evil (Rev. 14:19, 20), the seventh bowl massive judgment (Rev. 16:17-21), and the return of Christ in judgment (Rev. 19:11-21) seem to occur approximately at the same time. These things will prepare the way for Christ’s prophesied millennial reign on this earth in Revelation 20:1-6.

 E. According to the pre-wrath rapture view, the ending of the events in Revelation 14:19, 20; 16:17-21; and 19:11-21 occurs sometime between 30 and 75 days after the ending of the Great Tribulation (last 3 ½ years) (Daniel 12:11, 12).

II. To understand the events that are going on during the Great Tribulation and beyond, we need to go deeper than the surface of things and move into the spiritual realm (Rev. 12:1-6).

A. John is going to tell us about two great signs in Rev. 12:1 and 3 and then another sign in Rev. 15:1. These three signs reveal to the diligent reader the spiritual battle behind the physical chaos of the Great Tribulation and beyond.

1. In verse 1, the word for sign (samaon – Greek) means a wonder or miracle that is beyond the usual course of nature. In this case, we need to look at the spiritual significance as to what the sign is pointing to by looking into God’s Scriptures for the answer.

2. The best place to start finding the identity of the woman is in Gen. 37:9, 10. Joseph had a dream given to him by Yahweh which had “the sun (Jacob), the moon (Rachel), and eleven stars (his eleven brothers) bowing down to him.” This passage would put into the Hebrew mind that the nation of Israel or probably the remnant in the nation of Israel who will believe (look at verses 6, 13-17) could be the woman who is in child birth. Other passages that could be referenced are Isaiah 26:17-18; 66:7-9; Jer. 4:31; Jer. 13:21; Micah 4:10; 5:3) (verse 1, 2).

3. The great red dragon is probably the plan of Satan through the seven countries of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Greece, and Rome to thwart the birth of the future unique male child Jesus Christ throughout history (verses 3, 4; Daniel chapters 2, 7). The reference to Christ is very specific in verse 5 (Psalm 2:9; Rev. 2:27; 19:15).

a. The great dragon is identified as Satan in verse 9 and the “third part of the stars” might refer to his and other angels who departed from Yahweh’s rule before humanity (Isaiah 14:11-14 possibly).

b. The child (Christ) ascended (“was caught up”) to the Father’s throne (Acts 1:9; Col. 3:1).

B. During the Great Tribulation (1,260 days, the last 3 ½ years, according to a 30 day Jewish month, of Daniel’s 70th week of 7 years), God has prepared a special place of protection for the woman (Israel’s remnant of future believers).

III. The reason why remnant Israel needed Yahweh’s protection during the Great Tribulation is because Satan was denied anymore access to Yahweh’s throne. He was thrown out of heaven forever! (Rev. 11:7-17)

A. Michael is Israel’s specially assigned protector angel (Dan. 12:1) and is an angel in charge of other angels called an archangel (Jude 9). Up until the Great Tribulation on earth, Satan and at least some of his angels have access to Yahweh’s throne (I Kings 22:19-22; Job 1:6-12; Zech. 3:1). At the point of the Great Tribulation on earth, Satan and his angels are thrown out of heaven permanently. This is good news for heaven but bad news for earth because Satan is wrathful and knows he has a short time (verses 7-12).

1. The Devel (Diabolos – Greek) and Satan (Hebrew) both mean slanderer or accuser. He is the accuser of the brethren and the deceiver of the whole earth! (verses 9, 10)

2. Believers throughout history overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb, their testimony, and being willing to die for their faith! (verse 11).

B. Satan pursues remnant Israel during the Great Tribulation but Yahweh protects and feeds them like He did with Israel leaving Egypt. In miraculous ways, Yahweh once again delivers them on eagles wings (Deut. 32:10-14; Ex. 19:4). As Satan realizes that he can’t harm this group of Israel’s remnant (possibly the sealed 144,000), he goes after other believers on the earth (verses 13-17).

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Revelation 11:15-19


Revelation 11:15-19

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. At the blowing of the seventh trumpet, Yahweh Father and His Messiah, Yahweh Jesus, begin the process of taking back Satan’s earthly hold and power
(Revelation 11:15-19).

A. Loud voices in heaven include the 24 elders (angels) surrounding Yahweh’s throne (Rev. 4:4), probably the innumerable angels in heaven (Rev. 5:11) and probably the redeemed and raptured saints (Rev. 7:9-17) (verse 15).

B. Jesus Christ is Yahweh’s designated ruler of this world. He is the prophesied King from the line of David (2 Sam. 7:7-16; Ps. 2:1-12; Ps. 89:3, 4) and the promised Messiah (Isa. 49:1-7; Luke 2:26; Luke 9:20; Acts 1:6, 4:24-26)(verse 15).

C. The 24 elders (angels) once again fall on their faces in worship before Yahweh’s throne and proclaim several things that happen at this time (verses 16-18).

1. The prophesied time of Yahweh, Almighty God’s (Kurios ha Theos ha Pantokrator), The Eternal One’s reign begins in the invisible realm (spiritual reality with physical ramifications on earth such as the coming Bowl Judgments (Rev. 15:1 – 16:21) and becomes visible reality at Christ’s inauguration and reign (Rev. 19:11 – 20:6) (verses 16, 17).

a. Most pre-trib, mid-trib, and post-tribulation positions view this passage as a general preview of a time where the Seventh Trumpet sounding looks forward to its ending which is the setting up of Christ’s rule. This could be a period of several years.

b. If the pre-wrath tribulation view is correct, this time from the Seventh Trumpet sounding through Christ’s inauguration will take place in a period of 30 to 75 days (Daniel 12:11, 12). This is a time period after the Great Tribulation (last 3 ½ years) has ended which was after the events of the Sixth Trumpet (Rev. 9:21) and the finished prophesying of the two witnesses (Rev. 11:7-13).

THOUGHT: The Future reign of Yahweh’s Messiah (Christ) in Israel and Jerusalem on this earth is a major event in prophecy. Read what the Scriptures have to say about this momentous event in Psalm 2:1-12, Isaiah 9:6, 7; 61:2 – 62:12, Jeremiah 31:23-40, Daniel 7:9-27, and Matthew 24:31-34!

2. The Gentile nations were enraged at the thought of this Jewish Messiah reigning over them especially during Daniel’s 70th week (7 years) and even more especially during the last 3 ½ years of it (verse 18a; Psalm 2:1, 2;Rev 6:1 – 19:21).

3. Yahweh’s wrath came to this earth after the Sixth Seal was opened and the Day of Yahweh began (verse 18b; Rev. 6:17).

4. It appears as if the judging of the saints for reward or lack of reward happens in heaven after the blowing of the Seventh Trumpet (verse 18c, d; Romans 14:10; I Cor. 3:10-15; 2 Cor. 5:10). The judgment of unbelievers happens 1,000 years later after Christ’s reign finishes on this earth and before the New Heaven and New Earth begins (Rev. 20:11-15).

5. After the blowing of the Seventh Trumpet, Yahweh will “destroy the destroyers of the earth” by pouring out the Seven Bowl Judgments (Rev. 15:1 – 16:21). This will happen as a precursor to inaugurating King Jesus as a cleansing process before His arrival (verse 18e).

II. The opened heavenly temple of Yahweh explains for us that Yahweh Father is getting ready to transfer His heavenly reign of the earth to the reign of His earthly Messiah (Christ) (Rev. 11:19).

A. In line with the proclamation of the 24 elders (angels) in Rev. 11:17, Yahweh Jesus Christ is beginning the process to reign. The opened temple in heaven might show a movement from His throne in heaven towards the earth since an open door means someone is going in or out.

B. As the door of the temple in heaven is opened, the heavenly Ark of the Covenant is seen. The Ark of the Covenant was also called the Ark of the Presence of God (Yahweh). It had great significance for the nation of Israel and showed them that Yahweh was with them in a special way (I Sam. 5:1 – 6:21;2 Sam. 6:1-17).

C. All the judgments that come to the earth during the Day of Yahweh come with heavenly throne and temple command. The coming earth cleansing Seven Bowl Judgment will not be any exception (Rev. 6:12-17; 8:1-5; 11:19; 15:4-6).

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Revelation 11:1-14


Revelation 11:1-14

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The Jewish Jerusalem Temple will be rebuilt and re-established before or during the seven year Tribulation Period but during the last 3 ½ years it will be trampled by the Gentile nations (Revelation 11:1, 2).

A. John is told (probably by the mighty angel speaking for Yahweh) to measure the temple, the altar, and the worshippers (probably get a count) (verses 1, 2).

1. This is the temple on earth because the mighty angel came from heaven to earth in Revelation 10:1, 2. Also, Revelation 11:19 distinguishes this from the temple in heaven.

2. The prophet Ezekiel was given a similar assignment in Ezekiel 40:3, 4.

3. John received a hollow reed probably similar to Ezekiel’s for the purpose of measuring. Ezekiel’s was six cubits or nine feet in length (Ezekiel 40:5).

4. When Yahweh instructs His prophets to measure something, it means that He has prophetic plans for those being measured and, therefore, is guaranteeing that His work will be accomplished and preserved (Jeremiah 31:39; Ezekiel 40:2 – 43:12; Zechariah 2:1-8).

5. John measures from the Holy of Holies, to the brazen altar, to the worshippers. In other words, from the inside out (verse 1).

6. In Herod’s temple (at the time of Christ), the court of the Gentiles was separated from the inner court by a low wall. John is told not to measure this because in this future temple, the Gentiles will be in charge for 3 ½ years (42 months) trampling the temple area (verse 2).

a. This is the same amount of time which Daniel prophesies about in three places. He reveals that sometime in the future, the people of Israel will have 3 ½ years of severe trial and suffering before Yahweh sets up His Kingdom (Daniel 7:25, 9:27, 12:1, 7).

b. This is the same time period which Jesus and the Apostle Paul prophesied about (Matt. 24:15-22; Luke 21:20-24; II Thes. 2:1-12).

c. This time period will be repeated several times in the book of Revelation (Rev. 11:3, 12:6, 12:14, 13:5).

THOUGHT: Yahweh has purposed to set His King on His Holy Hill even though the nations have raged and will rage! Psalm 2:1-6

II. There will be two Jewish witnesses (prophets) during the 3 ½ year Great Tribulation in Israel before Yahweh Jesus takes His rightful throne (Revelation 11:3-14).

A. These two prophets will prophesy (probably about believing in Jesus and Yahweh’s coming Kingdom) for 3 ½ years while wearing sackcloth (coarse animal clothing that are signs of mourning and distress) (verse 3; Daniel 9:3).

B. These two prophets are identified with Zechariah’s prophesy in Zech. 4:2-14. As Joshua and Zerubbabel were anointed in leading Israel to restoration from Babylon, even so these two witnesses are anointed in leading Israel through their time of distress, the finishing of the mystery of God (Rev. 10:7), and the return of Israel to Yahweh Jesus (verse 4).

C. These two prophets are given special anointing during this time to kill their enemies with mouth fire, make it not rain, and bring any and all plagues whenever they want (verses 5, 6).

1. The identities of these two prophets are usually associated with Elijah, Moses, or Enoch because of some of the similarities to their previous ministries.

2. Many in the early church thought these were Enoch and Elijah because nothing is recorded that they ever died (Genesis 5:24; 2 Kings 2:11). However, there will be many at Christ’s coming who will never die (I Thes. 4:17).

3. The two most likely candidates are Elijah and Moses. Elijah’s ministry of calling down fire from heaven and making it not rain (I Kings 17:1; 2 Kings 1:10; James 5:17) as well as the prophecy that he will return before the Day of Yahweh (Mal. 4:5) tie him into Rev. 11:5-6a. Moses’ ministry of the ten plagues (Exodus 7:14 – 11:10) tie him into Rev. 11:6b. Also, both of them appeared with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:3; Mark 9:4; Luke 9:30).

4. These two prophets might actually be Elijah or Moses or two sovereignly chosen prophets with similar ministry styles.

D. If the pre-wrath tribulation timing is correct, then these two witnesses would have started their ministry after seal 4 (Rev. 6:8), would have been active during the rapture of the church and sealing of the 144,000 Jews (Rev. 6:12 – 7:17), possibly called down the Trumpet judgments (Rev. 8:1 – 9:21), and will be protected until the 3 ½ year ministry is ended.

E. At the end of their 3 ½ year ministry, Yahweh will allow them to be killed by the beast (the first mention of this word for the Antichrist ruler of Revelation 6) who is possessed by satanic power from the Abyss (verse 7, 2 Thes. 2:9).

F. Their dead bodies will remain unburied in Jerusalem for 3 ½ days while the world rejoices over their deaths but they will be raised from the dead and ascend to heaven while their enemies watch (verses 8-12).

G. In the same hour that the two witnesses go to heaven in a cloud (like Jesus in Acts 1:9), Jerusalem has a large earthquake destroying a tenth of the city, 7,000 men will be killed and the rest become terrified and give glory to the God of heaven (possibly many believe at this time in Jerusalem) (verse 13).

H. Evidently all this happened between the beginning of the Great Tribulation and the end of the sixth trumpet judgment (second woe) and before the seventh trumpet judgment (third woe) (verse 14).

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Revelation 10:1-11


Revelation 10:1-11

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. John is visited by another mighty angel with a specific message after the sixth trumpet judgment is finished (Rev. 10:1-7).

A. John was first visited by a mighty or strong angel in Revelation 5:2 and receives another visit in Revelation 18:21. Daniel received mighty angel visits in Daniel 10:5-6 and Daniel 12:5-7. It seems like “mighty angel” visits bring information to Yahweh’s prophets in the form of new revelation and were also sent to protect Yahweh’s people (verse 1). 

B. John describes the mighty angels clothes, head, face, and feet as radiating color and light which should clue us in that the message he brings comes from Yahweh’s throne (verse 1, Rev. 1:14, 15, Rev. 4:3-5).

C. The mighty angel seemed large and powerful to the Apostle John placing his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the earth. This probably represented Yahweh’s authority to rule and judge everything in, on, or above the earth as has been shown already in the previous seal and trumpet judgments. In his right hand he had a little open scroll which was different from the previous closed scroll in Revelation 5:1, 2 (verse 2).

D. The mighty angel cried out with a loud lion-like voice and as he did, John heard a message of seven thunders which he was not permitted to write for some reason (verses 3, 4; II Cor. 12:4). Maybe when we meet him we are supposed to ask what these were as a special blessing to us for studying Revelation!

E. The mighty angel then gives a message which he swears comes from the very throne of Yahweh by raising one hand (verse 6a, b). The angel in Daniel 12:7 lifted both hands in a sworn oath. The Israelites were told to swear their oaths by the name of Yahweh (Deut. 6:13, 10:20), however, Christ found abuse in oath taking (Matt. 5:33-37, 23:16-22) and so instructed His believers to simply speak the truth and do it (Matt. 5:33-37; James 5:12).

F. The sworn message was “that there will no longer be delay” (verse 6c).

1. Some in the early church translated this “that there will no longer be time” which is a possible translation if you can support it contextually. Since there are time events still to come in Revelation chapters 11-22, the context does not support this reading.

2. This seems to be an answered prayer to the persecuted martyrs, saints, and prophets for Yahweh to judge this earth and establish His Kingdom as in Revelation 6:9-11 (also see Daniel 12:7).

G. The sworn message goes on to say that the “mystery of God” will be finished during the days of the seventh trumpet judgment and probably during the beginning of it when the angel is “about to” sound (verse 7).

1. The “mystery of God” is interpreted by most expositors as a secret that is revealed by God. 

2. Many pre, mid, and post tribulation rapturists would view this as Yahweh finishing up His judgment of this earth during the seventh trumpet (which includes the seven bowl judgments) before establishing His Kingdom on earth.

3. Most pre-wrath tribulation rapturists view this “mystery of God” with the definition the Apostle Paul used in Col. 1:24 – 2:3; Eph. 1:9, 10; 3:1-10 (possibly I Cor. 2:1). In these texts, the Apostle Paul defined the mystery of God as a time period where God has determined to bring salvation to many Gentiles while Israel (as a nation) rejects Christ. When the full number of Gentiles are brought salvation, Yahweh then turns His Kingdom program back to national Israel and their salvation (Dan. 12:7; Acts 15:14-16; Romans 11:25b-26).

II. John is instructed to take the little scroll from the angel and eat it (Rev. 10:8-11).

A. Ezekiel in the Old Testament had a similar experience (Ezekiel 2:8 – 3:3). Prophets in the Old and New Testaments received Yahweh’s message, digested it, and delivered it to the people (verses 8-9a).

B. The message of the little open scroll was sweet to John’s mouth (probably the overall message of Christ’s ultimate rule) but bitter to his stomach (probably the message of judgment and suffering) (verses 9b-10).

C. This prophetic message would go out to all the people of the world involving judgment and the wrapping up of all things (verse 11; Rev. chapters 11-22).

THOUGHT: Read Psalm 2:1-12 this week and give Yahweh Father and Yahweh Jesus all the praise and all the glory! Hallelu-Yah!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Revelation 9:1-21


Revelation 9:1-21

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The fifth trumpet (woe 1) brings a swarm of stinging demonic locusts that terrorize the earth for five months (Rev. 9:1-12).

A. At the sounding of the fifth trumpet, a star (most likely an angel in this context, see also Judges 5:20, Job 38:7, and Rev. 20:1) descends from heaven onto the earth with a key to the Abyss or bottomless pit. This angel was given the key by Yahweh’s authority just like the one in Revelation 20:1 and, therefore, does not seem to be Satan. The bottomless pit seems to be a prison for many of the fallen angels (Luke 8:31; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6) while events on this earth unfold (vs 1).

B. As the angel with the key opened the bottomless pit, smoke came out darkening the sun and the air. Out of the smoke came a massive swarm of demonic locusts to the earth. The authority given to them by Yahweh was to sting non-believers for a period of five months to the point where people will feel like giving up on life itself (but are unable to). However, they did not have any authority to hurt the vegetation of the earth as the first trumpet did. The 144,000 (Rev. 7:4) Jewish believers (as well as probably any new believers) with God’s seal were not harmed by this judgment (verses 2-6).

1. The eighth plague of Egypt (Exodus 10:1-20) was a plague of actual locusts that brought misery to the land of idolatry and slavery. The fifth trumpet brings misery to the people of idolatry and slavery on the whole earth for five months (the life span of a natural locust or the time of the early and latter rains which is April to August).

2. There are many parallels to the Day of Yahweh found in Joel 1:4 - 3:21 to these trumpet judgments.

C. John next describes in detail the appearance of these demonic locusts (vs 7-11).

1. For the Bible expositors who teach this as primarily symbolic and historical (idealists and preterists), the interpretation of these locusts are usually either the iron clad Roman armies, the long-haired Parthians to the east of Rome, or the turban wearing Muslims.

2. For futurist expositors, some try to bring in modern warfare but most believe these to be actual mutated-in-form locusts under demonic control. Evidently from a sight sound and touch standpoint, they were designed to bring fear and pain.

3. This demonic swarm seems to be intelligent and well organized with the name of its leader-king being “Destroyer” (Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in Greek). This might be another name for Satan but probably is a high ranking fallen angel in Satan’s army who is in charge of the Abyss (this is not one of the names listed for Satan in Rev. 12:9). By the way, regular locust swarms “have no king,” Proverbs 30:27.

D. The fifth trumpet judgment is the same as the first woe. Trumpets six and seven are the same as the next two woes (verse 12).

II. The sixth trumpet judgment (woe 2) brings a demonic cavalry with the authority to kill one- third of the earth’s population (Rev. 9:13-19).

A. At a specified and predetermined exact time, Yahweh gives the word through the same angel from Revelation 8:3-5 who attended to the heavenly altar of incense and the prayers of the saints (verse 13). The altar angel gave the word to the sixth trumpet angel to loose four specially created angels (probably fallen since they were bound) who were bound at the Euphrates River. The Euphrates River is the eastern border of Israel (Gen. 15:18), is now running through modern Iraq, is the starting point of many of Israel’s historical invasions (Isaiah 8:5-8), and the possible area of the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:10-14) (verses 13-15).

B. A 200 million strong demonic cavalry were possibly assembled or led by the four angels or the four angels transformed themselves into this cavalry. The characteristics of this cavalry goes way beyond the description of a normal cavalry relegating this to the realm of the supernatural demonic cavalry (verses 16-19).

1. The riders (and possibly horses) had breastplate armor on consisting of three colors (which might have been mixed or separated out into three color groups) fiery red, dark blue, and light yellow.

2. The heads of the horses looked like the heads of lions with the ability to open their mouths and breath out fire, bluish smoke, and sulphur. It was by these three substances that could be breathed out by the horses in which a third of humanity will be killed in the sixth trumpet. The horses tails can also strike and wound people.

3. The tenth plague of Egypt (Exodus 11:4-6, 29, 30) killed all the firstborn. This plague during the Day of Yahweh kills one third of humanity (possibly 1 to 1 ½ billion people by today’s count – after already taking out around 2 billion people due to deaths in Revelation 6:4, 8; 8:11 and the possible rapture of the church).

III. Yahweh’s judgment is seen during His Day but also His tender heart of mercy. Just as in Egypt, He desired for people to repent of their idolatry and self-imposed slavery to demons. He ultimately desires for people to believe that He alone is their only hope. Yet people still harden their hearts and refuse to repent, believe, and be saved (Rev. 9:20, 21). One day it will be too late (Rev. 22:13-15).

“The great Day of Yahweh is near, near, and hastening fast; the sound of the Day of Yahweh is bitter. The mighty man cries aloud there…” Zeph. 1:14

“Seek Yahweh all you humble of the land…perhaps you may be hidden on the Day of the anger of Yahweh.” Zeph. 2:3

Back On Schedule!

Once again I have to apologize for the length of time between posts on this blog. (February? Yikes!!)

The spring season is always a big crunch for me and this one has been the craziest yet. But things are finally leveling out and I'm looking forward to posting the rest of Dave's notes on Revelation.

Sorry again for the delay, and thank you for your patience!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Revelation 8:2-13


Revelation 8:2-13

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Yahweh’s delayed judgment Day and promised return has begun in response to the prayers of all the saints (Rev. 8:2-6).

A. The Day of Yahweh had come (probably during the sixth seal) and now from Revelation 8:2 through Revelation 20:15 will bring about the time of the prophesied judgment and renewal upon this earth (Daniel 2:34-44, 7:17-28; Joel 2:28 – 3:2; Zeph. 1:14 – 2:3).

B. Trumpets were used in Israel for assembling people for special events and war (Numbers 10:9, 10), feasts (I Chron. 15:24), warning of the coming Day of Yahweh (Joel 2:1; Zeph. 1:14-16), and New Testament resurrection events (Matt. 24:31; I Cor. 15:52; I Thes. 4:16). Some post-tribulationalists believe the last trump and seventh trumpet add to their argument. However, there are other explanations.

C. Seven angels who stand (and continue to stand – Greek perfect tense) before Yahweh’s throne in heaven are given seven trumpets. Evidently these seven have had key positions with Yahweh through the years over the affairs of the earth (verse 2).

D. Another angel which served in the heavenly temple, like the Jewish priests served in the earthly tabernacle and the earthly temple, performed a sacred act before Yahweh. He was given a golden tray (censer) which was filled with incense and offered with the prayer of the saints (Rev. 5:8, 6:10) before Yahweh’s altar (probably of incense, Exodus 30:7-9). This filled the area around Yahweh with a sweet smelling aroma. The angel then took coals from this altar of incense in his golden tray and cast it to the earth which brought about earthly and atmospheric warning signs of this next series of judgments (verses 3-5). The seven angels readied themselves for their awesome task (verse 6).

THOUGHT: The prayers of the saints are always heard by our great God Yahweh. They are all answered according to His timing and will (Joel 2:32; Rom. 10:12, 13; I John 5:14, 15). Let’s boldly call upon His name today! (Heb. 4:16).

II. The first four trumpet judgments of the Day of Yahweh show some similarities to the plagues of Egypt that delivered Israel from a land of idolatry and slavery (Revelation 8:7-13).

A. The first trumpet judgment brings hail and fire mixed with blood to the earth. In this judgment, one third of the earth’s trees and all the earth’s grass will be burned up (verse 7).

1. The seventh plague of Egypt (Exodus 9:13-35) was a plague of hail that damaged humans and livestock as well. This plague in Revelation 8:7 only damages trees, vegetation, and grass but more extensive in area. One can only imagine what this amount of destruction would do to the food supply, air quality, and general living conditions on the earth.

2. This could be produced by increased volcanic activity, a combination of volcanic activity, hail, and blood red rain from volcanic dust or a supernatural “fiery bloody hail.” These are probably the best way to understand the text rather than moving to purely symbolic interpretations of the text such as the earth, grass, and trees being used to represent nations and people.

B. The second trumpet judgment turns one third of the sea (salt water areas including oceans) into blood or a blood red color killing off one third of all salt water life and destroying one third of the ships (verses 8, 9).

1. The first plague of Egypt (Exodus 7:14-21) was the plague of turning the Nile into blood. This trumpet judgment is much more extensive.

2. This could be produced by massive volcanic activity, a fiery meteor or asteroid or some type of supernatural exploding mountain that has previously never been seen. Symbolic interpreters prefer viewing the mountain as wicked nations like Rome or Babylon.

C. The third trumpet judgment brings bitterness and probably non-drinkability to one third of the fresh water supply of the earth including rivers and springs (verses 10, 11).

1. Again this is similar to the first plague of Egypt (Exodus 7:14-21) only much more extensive.

2. This could be produced by an asteroid or meteor that breaks apart polluting everything it touches that is fresh water. It was named “Wormwood” which is a bitter-tasting shrub (Proverbs 5:4) and in the Old Testament was a word that illustrated idolatry and judgment (Deut. 29:18; Jer. 9:15, 23:15).

D. The fourth trumpet brings increased darkness to this earth. The result seems to bring total darkness for one third of a day for an extended period of time (verse 12).

1. This is similar to the ninth plague of Egypt (Exodus 10:21-23) only much more extensive and debilitating (three days compared to probably years).

2. John is not told of a method by which Yahweh accomplishes this and so we only can marvel at His power and ability. The Day of Yahweh is prophesied to be dark and gloomy during its beginning phase (Isaiah 13:10; Joel 2:2, 10; Zeph. 1:15).

E. The fifth, sixth, and seventh trumpets are announced by a flying eagle which could easily be seen and heard by everyone. The flying eagle gives the next three judgments as woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth (verse 13). The knowledge that the woes are coming was supposed to help people to repent and turn to Yahweh but most still refuse (Revelation 9:21).

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Revelation 6:1-8:1 (Part 4)


Revelation 6:1 – 8:1

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. In Revelation 7:1 through 8:1, Yahweh gives John two vision scenes which will help explain for him and us the two important events which take place possibly sometime between the start of the sixth seal and the opening of the seventh seal. Let us review some of the previous seal timing clues.

A. Seals one, two, three, and part of four probably are the first three and a half years of the seven year tribulation period. During this time, the Antichrist begins his deception and increases in power and the world increases in civil unrest, wars, and famine
(Revelation 6:1-6).

B. During the fourth seal, the Antichrist probably breaks his covenant with Israel and sets up an idol of himself in the Jewish Temple which is prophesied as the abomination of desolation. This signals the beginning of the great tribulation where one fourth of the worlds population is killed (Revelation 6:7, 8). This also prompts the opening of the fifth seal prayer of the suffering and martyred saints. They pray for Yahweh to wrap up His plan of justice and start His full Kingdom rule on this earth. At this time, they are told to rest and wait (Rev. 6:9-11).

C. This sixth seal opens with cataclysmic signs upon the earth and heaven. There is a long protracted violent shaking that seems to begin the prophesied Day of Yahweh sometime during this sixth seal. The Day of Yahweh brings about His wrath on this earth and prepares the earth for His future rule and reign (Revelation 6:12-17).

D. It is after the description of these first six seals that John gives us the two important vision scenes of chapter 7 and right before the opening of the seventh seal in Rev. 8:1 (which includes the rest of the trumpet and bowl judgment). We are given two vision scenes concerning Yahweh’s people on earth (Rev. 7:1-8) and Yahweh’s people in heaven (Rev. 7:9-17).

II. Scene I: During this time of great tribulation and the beginning of the Day of Yahweh, 144,000 chosen Jewish believers are sealed for their protection (Revelation 7:1-8).

A. Chapter 7 is called a parenthetical section because it is describing something in more detail that is a break from the natural narrative. The narrative picks up again in Revelation 8:1 with the opening of the seventh seal. John uses the phrase “after these things” (meta tauto) in 7:1, 9 just as he did in 4:1 to describe a change of thought or fuller description of something with a little different tone.

B. From his vantage point in heaven John sees four angels controlling Yahweh’s power over the entire earth from every direction (the four corners was used for the four directions of a compass during John’s day). As he sees this sight, another angel comes from his east (the rising of the sun, probably over Israel) commanding them to hold off their destruction until 144,000 believing Israelites have been sealed, 12,000 believing Israelites from 12 specific tribes (Revelation 7:1-8).

1. The sealing was going to be on the foreheads of these 144,000 believers to give them some form of protection from Yahweh’s wrath. We don’t know what type of seal it was but we know that Yahweh would recognize it as His. They will undergo suffering but Yahweh will be with them and guide them in contrast with those who take the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:15 – 14:5).

2. There are two main views concerning the 144,000: a) One view takes this figuratively as the whole church consisting of all believers who are Jews or Gentiles and the number 12 (number of administration) or 12 x 12 x 1,000 (number of completion) as Yahweh’s work in and among His people during persecution. Most post-tribulationalists, idealists, and preterists see it this way; b) The other view takes this literally as Yahweh turning again to selected Jewish believers as His chosen vessels on this earth (like they used to be before the church age) after the rapture of the church to heaven. Most pre-, mid-, and pre-wrath- tribulationalists would hold this view. This view is the one which seems to exegete prophetic literature more accurately.

3. There are 29 lists of the tribes of Israel throughout the Bible and 19 of these differ from one another (Genesis 29-35, 46, 49; Exodus 1; Numbers 1, 2, 13, 26, 34; Deut.27, 33; Josh. 13; Judges 5; I Chron. 2, 12, 27; Ezek. 48). The writers of Scripture changed the order or omitted certain tribes depending on the purpose for which they were writing or what was going on in the history of the tribe.

a. Even though current historical records might struggle in placing the where- abouts of all 12 tribes, Yahweh knows where they are. It also could be that new undiscovered records will turn up.

b. James and Peter both seemed to recognize the existence of 12 tribes of Israel (James 1:1; I Peter 1:1).

c. Judah is listed first out of respect for Christ who came from that line
(Genesis 49:10). Dan is omitted probably due to idolatry (Gen. 49:17; Judges 18:1-31) but will be included in the millennium (Ezek. 48:1). Ephraim was omitted because they allied themselves against Judah (Isaiah 7:2, 5; Hosea 5:3) but was probably included as part of his father Joseph. Manasseh was added with Joseph for being faithful sons (Gen. 37:3; Josh. 17:16-17).

THOUGHT: Yahweh remembers and rewards your faithfulness toward the things of His Kingdom. You and your families faithfulness will have lasting effects for a long time!

III. Scene 2: The multitude of redeemed believers in heaven who came out of the great tribulation (Rev. 7:9-17).

A. There is a distinction between the numbered, Jewish believers on the earth and the multitude, from every people group in heaven (verse 9a).

B. They were before Yahweh Father’s and Yahweh Son’s throne in white robes (purity, victory) and palm branches (used for festivals such as the Feast of Tabernacles
Zech. 14:16) in their hands (verse 9b).

C. They proclaim their salvation through Yahweh alone and the angels around the throne fall down in worship and praise Him! (verses 10-12).

D. They are the ones who came out of the great tribulation by their belief in the blood of the Lamb and therefore have been given an abundant life of service, fellowship, reward, care, and shalom with Yahweh forever! (verses 13-17; Revelation 22:3-5). Could this be the raptured church in heaven?

IV. The seventh seal of judgment is opened by Yahweh Jesus. There was complete silence in heaven over the awesomeness of what was about to happen (Rev. 8:1).