Thursday, July 26, 2012

Revelation 16:1-9



Revelation 16:1-9

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The seven angels are commanded by Yahweh Himself to pour out their seven bowl judgments (Revelation 16:1).

A. The Day of Yahweh has been prophesied in Scripture for thousands of years
(Joel 2:28 – 3:2; Zeph. 1:14 – 2:3). The Day of Yahweh starts with wrath and ends with King Jesus bringing peace and restoration (Joel 3:1-21; Zech. 14:1-20; I Thes. 5:1-11; Rev. 6:16 – 22:21). The wrath of Yahweh starts after the sixth seal judgment (Rev. 6:16) and ends after the seventh bowl judgment (Rev. 15:1; Rev. 16:17).

B. Yahweh Himself gives the sacred and holy order to have these bowls poured out which finishes His wrath that has been delayed until this very moment in time (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:19). He is the only one left in the Heavenly Temple at this time due to the power of His glory! (Rev. 15:8)

C. At the time of the seven bowl judgments, the Great Tribulation (last 3 ½ years of Daniel’s 70th week) appears to be over and so these are poured out between the 30 and 75 days before Christ sets up His earthly Kingdom (Dan. 12:11, 12; Rev. 11:1 – 14:13).

THOUGHT: Have we lost the ability in our day and age to be in thankful awe at Yahweh’s perfect justice and perfect wrath? The messages of sin, evil, depravity, Christ’s work, the believer’s purchased righteousness and Yahweh Jesus’ earthly and eternal reigns depend on it.

II. The first four bowl judgments are poured out upon the beast-marked, image worshipping, blasphemers on this earth (Revelation 16:2-9).

A. The first bowl judgment brings harmful and painful sores to the people who refused Yahweh’s long-suffering warnings. They had been warned by the two witnesses (Rev. 11:3), saints of Jesus (Rev. 12:11, 17, 13:8), and angelic messengers (Rev. 14:6-11) but refused to believe in truth. This is similar to what happened during the sixth plague of Egypt in Exodus 9:9-11 (Rev. 16:2).

B. The second bowl judgment brings complete destruction of all salt water life. This bowl turned the sea into something like “the blood of a corpse” and, therefore, it could no longer support life itself. This worldwide plague is much more extensive than the first plague of Egypt in Exodus 7:14-21 or the second trumpet judgment in Revelation 8:8, 9 (Rev. 16:3).

C. The third bowl judgment turns all the fresh water areas on the earth into blood
(Rev. 16:4-7)

1. This is similar to the first plague of Egypt (Exodus 7:14-21) and the third trumpet judgment (Rev. 8:10, 11) but much more extensive since it is global in scope.

2. The “angel of the waters” is either the third angel who poured the bowl out or another angel with some authority over water who was sent to proclaim this message of Yahweh’s righteous judgment (verses 5-7).

a. Yahweh is perfectly righteous (acts rightly according to a perfect standard), as the only eternal being, in His judgment (verse 5; Rev. 1:4, 8, 4:8).

b. The judgment is right and fair because these unbelievers have shed the blood of Yahweh’s saints and prophets (verse 6; Rev. 11:18, 12:11, 17). Since they shed blood, they will drink blood instead of pure water (verse 6; Rev. 11:18, Rev. 12:11, 17, 13:10, 14:13).

c. The heavenly altar, which has received every prayer of Old and New Testament saints, adds its witness as to Yahweh’s true and righteous judgments. This message has been confirmed by three sets of witnesses: The saints in heaven (Rev. 11:17, 18, 15:3, 4), an angelic being (Rev. 16:5, 6), and now the heavenly altar itself (verse 7; Rev. 5:8, 8:3-5).

D. The fourth bowl judgment intensifies the heat of the sun which scorches with fire. Rather than repenting and giving Yahweh glory (respecting and acknowledging His right to rule and reign), they were blaspheming (cursing or defaming) His name (verses 8, 9; Rev. 9:20, 21; 16:11, 21). 

THOUGHT: “Yahweh has bared His holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” Isaiah 52:10

“Seek Yahweh all you humble of the land… perhaps you may be hidden on the Day of the anger of Yahweh.” Zeph. 2:3