Revelation 20:6c
As taught by Dave
I. King Jesus the Messiah (Christ) will
rule over this entire earth in fulfillment of Scripture.
A. This will fulfill all the Old
Testament covenants perfectly. The Abrahamic (Gen. 12:1-3, 15:1-15), Davidic (2
Sam. 7:1-16), New (Jer. 31:31-40), and Palestinian (Deut. 1:6-8)
covenants will all be perfectly fulfilled during the Millennial reign
and Eternal reign of Yahweh King Jesus.
B. Old and New Testament prophecy
tells us that the Messiah (Christ) was also going to be the
promised King of Israel on this earth and then on into eternity (2
Sam. 7:16; Ps. 89:20-27; Isa. 11:1-16; Jer. 33:19-21; Zech. 14:9;
Luke 1:32, 33; Rev. 19:16).
C. King Jesus will rule on this earth
as Yahweh’s appointed Anointed ruler and will rule the entire
earth including its kings with a rod of iron (with a strength that
cannot be overcome) (Ps. 2:1-12, Ps. 72:1-20; Ezek. 39:25-29; Dan.
2:44, 45, 7:14, 27; Zech. 14:9; I Cor. 15:24-28).
THOUGHT: When has
this or will this happen if not in the literal millennial reign of
Christ? Is Christ ruling with a rod of iron right now? How will all
these Scriptures be fulfilled which speak of this literal earth,
literal Israel, literal kings and kingdoms, and a literal rule with a
literal 1,000 year reign of Christ upon this earth?
II. King Jesus will rule the earth from
the nation of Israel in His capital city Jerusalem.
A. Israel will be established with its
full prophesied borders (Gen. 15:18-21; Deut. 1:6-8;
Ezek. 47:13 – 48:29).
B. There will be many topographical
changes on the earth due to the violent earthquakes, meteors, and
hailstones during the Great Tribulation.
1. Islands will have vanished and
mountains will have been leveled (Zech. 14:10; Rev. 16:20).
2. Jerusalem will have been split
into three parts (Rev. 16:19) and rebuilt (Jer. 31:37-40).
3. Jerusalem and Mount Zion will rise
above the other mountains (Isa. 2:2; Micah 4:1;
Zech. 14:10).
4. The Mount of Olives will be split
in two (Zech. 14:3, 4) and fresh water will flow from Jerusalem
to a western (currently Mediterranean) and eastern (currently the
Dead) sea (Zech. 14:8). This “living water”
brings life wherever it touches and revitalizes the Dead Sea
(Ezek. 47:1-12).
5. An enlarged temple will be rebuilt
and Israel will be the place of worship for the world (Ezek. 40:1
– 48:35; Zech. 14:16-21).
6. If a nation or “family of the
earth” does not worship the King, the Yahweh of hosts
(Sabaoth), then that group of people will receive no rain (Zech.
III. King Jesus’ reign on earth
begins with only believers in Him (Matt. 25:31-34).
A. There will be many people at His
return that have refused the mark of the beast and have believed
or will believe in Him (Rev. 1:7, 14:9-13, 16:15). These will go
into the 1,000 year kingdom in their mortal bodies.
B. There will be many people who will
return with Jesus in their resurrected bodies to rule and reign
with Him (Rev. 1:6, 11:18, 14:13, 19:9, 14, 20:4, 6).
IV. King Jesus’ 1,000 year reign will
be a kingdom of:
A. Righteousness (right and correct
Yahweh honoring decisions and actions).
1. It will have a righteous King (Ps.
72:1-19, 96:10; Isa. 11:4, 5, 16:5, 32:1).
2. It will start out with righteous
people (Isa. 26:2, 60:21; Matt. 25:37).
3. The King will rule righteously
bringing true justice to the poor (Isa. 11:4) and swift judgment
(Isa. 16:5) so that all nations see that Yahweh (Jesus) is ruling
this earth and glorifying His name (Ps. 96:10; Isa. 62:1, 2).
The people of this earth receive the true blessing of the
beatitudes (Matt. 5:2-12).
4. He will appoint the people with
the perfect gifting and leadership abilities to be His
under-shepherds and under-leaders
(Isa. 61:3-11, 66:20, 21; Matt. 10:40-42; 25:14-30;
Luke 19:11-27; I Cor. 3:5-15; Rev.
11:17, 18, 19:4, 6).
B. Peace (Shalom – Isa. 9:6, 7),
holiness (Ezek. 44:23, Zech. 14:20, 21), truth (Ps. 98:3, Isa. 16:5,
Zech. 8:3), obedience (Ps. 2:9, Mal. 1:11), and a full outpouring
of the Holy Spirit bringing extra knowledge of Yahweh (Jer.
31:31-34, Joel 2:28-32).
V. With King Jesus ruling the world
from Jerusalem, the curse of Genesis 3:14-19 begins a process of
lifting and reversing. With Satan bound (Rev. 20:1-3a) and Jesus
and His saints in charge, many good changes will come to this earth.
Mortal people will still be born in sin and be able to choose
unbelief and wickedness which will have an effect at the end of the
1,000 year reign (Rev. 20:3, 7-9). However, most unrighteousness
will be overwhelmingly contained.
A. The earth will have abundance. It
will be well watered with rain (Isa. 30:23, 35:7) and
unproductivity under the curse will turn into productivity (Isa.
62:8-9; Jer. 31:5; Ezek. 48:18, 19). Agricultural and
economic abundance characterizes the age (Mic. 4:1-5; Zech. 8:9-12).
B. There will be a unified language
reversing the curse of Babel (Gen. 11:6-9, Zeph. 3:9).
C. There will be healing of sickness,
deformity of body and mental disease (Isa. 29:17-19, 33:24, Isa.
35:3-6, 61;1-2, 65:20; Jer. 30:17, 31:8; Ezek, 34:16; Micah 4:6, 7;
Zeph. 3:19). People will live longer again (Isa. 65:20).
D. There will be protection from
violence and oppression from evil people (Isa. 14:3-6, 41:8-14,
Isa. 42:6-7; Ezek. 34:27; Zech.
8:14-15, 9:8-12).
E. Animals will be changed to be more
peaceful, less aggressive, less venomous, and less harmful (Isa.
11:6-9, 35:9, 65:25; Rom. 8:20-22).
F. The earth’s population will
skyrocket due to less death, more protection, less disease, healthier
bodies, and better nutrition (Isa. 65:20; Ezek. 47:22).
THOUGHT: Knowing
more about the 1,000 year reign of Christ should make us, as
believers, more grateful (that we will be part of it), more
prayerful for those who have not yet believed, and more patient as
we wait for the next phase of Yahweh’s plan to unfold.