Revelation 20:7 –
As taught by Dave
I. At the end of Christ’s 1,000 year
reign on this earth, Satan is released from his prison for a short
time of deceit before his final destruction (Revelation 20:7-10).
A. Satan is released from his prison
(the Abyss, Rev. 20:1) after the 1,000 year (sixth time this is
used in six verses) reign of Christ on this earth is ended (verse
B. During the 1,000 year reign, the
mortal believers that started Christ’s Kingdom with Him (the
sheep, Matt. 25:31-34) had children which would still be born in
sin. These new children need to believe personally in Yahweh Jesus
(who would at that time be reigning in Jerusalem) for their eternal
life or they would remain unsaved. Evidently, many people after
1,000 years have been led, ruled, and controlled during Christ’s
reign who have refused to believe. These people Satan deceives
into trying to overthrow Christ and His people at a great end time
Millennial battle (verse 8).
1. The earth’s population will
skyrocket due to less death, more protection, less disease,
healthier bodies, and better nutrition (Isa. 65:18-25; Ezek.
47:22). If as little as 10 million adult couples began having
children at the beginning of the Millennium at 10 kids per couple
(remember there will be less pain in childbirth and a decreased death
rate since the curse will be reversing), then there could be 100
million more people within 20-30 years. Depending on the death
rate during the Millennium, the earth’s population could reach 10
billion after only 100 years. What will the earth’s population
be after 1,000 years of Christ’s reign on this earth?
2. Gog and Magog in the Old Testament
comes from Ezekiel 38:1-39:29 where Gog is the ruler and Magog is
the land and/or people that fight against Israel during an end time
battle. There are some similarities to this Millennial battle
(i.e. fire from heaven, Ezek. 37:22) but also many
differences (i.e. Ezekiel’s battle involves a few nations and
comes from the north whereas the Millennial battle involves all
nations). The Ezekiel battle seems to fit better into a time
before Christ’s return (perhaps a battle in the series of battles
before Armageddon – Rev. 16:12-21) but probably prefigures this
end time Millennial battle. Many Jewish Rabbi’s have referred
to any opponents of Israel as Gog and Magog from the Ezekiel
C. Satan brings his vast army against
Israel and Jerusalem (the beloved city, also Christ’s capital
city) but before there is any battle, fire came down out of heaven
and consumed them. Evidently, Yahweh has had enough of Satan’s
deceit and lies (verse 9).
D. The devil (Greek diabolos, Hebrew
Satan) is now thrown into the lake of fire where he will spend
eternity, joining the beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet who
have already been there 1,000 years (Rev. 19:20). This, along with
many other verses of Scripture, teaches us that the wicked will
not be annihilated but rather will exist forever. The English word
hell in the New Testament came from the Greek words Gehenna or
Gehenna of fire (the place south of Jerusalem used for burning
refuse, Matt. 5:22, 29-30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15, 33; Mark 9:43, 45, 47;
Luke 12:5) and is now the place called “the lake of fire” in
Revelation for the place of eternal punishment
(verse 10).
II. Yahweh’s Great White Throne
Judgment happens after the Millennium, Satan’s last earthly
deception, and Satan’s judgment (Revelation 20:11-15).
A. After the preceding events, Yahweh
Jesus (John 5:22) sits upon His Great White Throne in a place
designated for the judgment of all the wicked dead. Scripture tells
us that our present
earth and heaven will be destroyed
and replaced by a New Heaven and New Earth (verse 11;
Isa. 65:17, 66:22, 24; Matt. 24:35;
Mark 13:31; Luke 16:17, 21:33; 2 Peter 3:10-13).
B. The righteous Old Testament, New
Testament, and Tribulational saints have already received their
bodily resurrection over 1,000 years previously (Rev. 6:9-17, 20:4,
6). This is the resurrection of the wicked dead and possibly the
Millennial saints (unless they had an undisclosed special
resurrection). There were books (scrolls) that recorded everything
done by everyone and there was “the book of life” which is the
record of believers in Yahweh Jesus (Rev. 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:15, 21:27)
(verse 12a).
C. Anyone not recorded in “the book
of life” (as a believer) was thrown into the lake of fire
(verse 15) but each was judged fairly
according to what they had done (verse 12). This is similar to the
Bema of Christ for the righteous (2 Cor. 5:10) that happened 1,000
years previously for the purpose of reward and Millennial position.
In the case of unbelievers this judgment of works could determine
an assignment or position in hell. Whatever is happening in the lake
of fire or hell, it is “outside” (Isa. 66:24; Rev. 22:15) the
realm of the coming New Earth, eternally separated from the life
of fellowship with Yahweh, and full of torment and regret (see the
verses on hell in Rev. 20:10). The sea, Death and Hades all appear
to be holding areas for the departed dead bodies and souls
according to their context (verses 12b-15).
III. The beginning of the promised and
prophesied New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21:1-8).
A. The New Heaven and New Earth are
now in existence before the Apostle John’s eyes and one of the
distinguishing features of this New Earth is that it no longer
contains a sea or ocean (verse 1; Isa. 65:17, 66:22; 2 Peter
B. The Apostle John next sees the New
Jerusalem, the holy city, descending out of heaven from God which
will be the special home for God and His people throughout eternity
(verse 2;
John 14:1-3; Heb. 11:16; 12:22; Rev.
C. A loud voice, probably an angel,
speaks from the throne saying: (verses 3, 4)
1. God will dwell with His people
from this time on. In other words, there will no longer by any
separation or lack of intimacy (verse 3; Ezek. 37:27).
2. God will rid His people of
suffering, pain, and death (verse 4; Isaiah 25:8, 65:17;
I Cor. 15:20-56).
D. Yahweh Father speaks from His
throne now that all has been accomplished and sin and His previous
creation have prophetically passed away (verse 5-8; Rev. 1:4, 8; Rev.
1. Yahweh Father proclaims the
trustworthiness and truthfulness of the message of the coming New
Heaven and New Earth, tells John to write it down for others to read,
and says that the events of the old creation are prophetically
over because He alone is the beginning and the end (verses 5, 6a;
Isa. 44:6, 48:12; Rev. 1:8).
2. Yahweh Father promises the
blessing of salvation and eternal life with Him to all His people
who drink of His free gift of the water of life (the gift of
Jesus) (verse 6b; Isaiah 55:1; John 4:14, 7:38; Rev. 22:17). He
promises His conquering ones or overcomers inheritance with Him
(verse 7; Rev. 2:11, 17, 26-28; 3:5, 12, 21).
3. Yahweh Father warns anybody who
refuses to receive His water of life (contextually from verse 6)
and rather chooses a mortal life opposed to Yahweh’s truth,
character, and plan will receive their portion in the lake of fire
(verse 8; Rev. 20:15).