Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daniel 6:1-28


Daniel 6:1-28
As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The plot of the jealous satraps and administrators to try to get rid of Daniel (Daniel 6:1-9).

A. The ruler Darius the Mede was mentioned only in the book of Daniel (Dan. 5:30 ; 6:1, 6, 9; 9:1) and not in Persian history. So who was this Medo-Persian ruler who started at the end of 539 B.C.?

1. Some believe it to be Darius I who ruled from 522 B.C. to
486 B.C. However, if he started at 62 years old and ruled 36 years, he would have ended at 98 years old. History does not agree with these ages.

2. Some believe it might have been King Cyrus himself who ruled from 559 B.C. to 530 B.C. These would believe that the alternative translation of Daniel 6:28 and the historical record give this view a leg up. However, why was he called a Mede when the rest of Scripture calls him a Persian?

3. Some believe Darius was a Medo-Persian royal name similar to the Roman “Caesar” or “Augustus.” So in this view, King Cyrus could have assigned someone to rule the city of Babylon under his authority and the Mede was added as a distinction of this person. We know from the Nabonidus-Cyrus Chronicle historically that a governor Gubaru (many times mixed up with Ugbaru) was appointed by King Cyrus as vice-regent of the Chaldean domains on October 29, 539 B.C. If this was the case, then King Cyrus could have had his own formal Coronation two years later. This view seems to fit the texts of Daniel 2:21; 6:1, 28; 9:1; and 10:1 as well as the known historical record in my opinion.

B. Daniel would have been about 80 years old in 539 B.C. w hen he was appointed as one of the three administrators over the Medo-Persian kingdom (Daniel 6:1-4).

1. He showed the same Yahweh anointed exceptional qualities as he has already showed previously (verse 3; Daniel 2:48 ).

2. Daniel’s Yahweh inspired qualities included not being corrupt, being trustworthy and not being negligent (being diligent). These are very good traits to find in any employee or ruler!

C. All the other rulers trick King Darius into enacting an irrevocable law in order to lay a trap for Daniel (Daniel 6:5-9). See how this also happened under King Xerxes I around 483 B.C. in Esther 1:19; 8:8).

Thought: Daniel exhibited many of the traits of the New Testament believer found in I Peter 3:8-17. What do we need to entrust to Yahweh today?

II. Daniel’s habit of praying remained the same even after the decree. Daniel’s spiritual strength came out of his daily walk with Yahweh (Daniel 6:10 -17).

A. His habit in exile was to face Jerusalem (I Kings 8:41 -43), get down on his knees (I Kings 8:54 ; Ezra 9:5; Psalms 95:6), and pray three times a day (Psalms 55:17)(verse 10).

B. Daniel asked God for help (verse 11, possibly meditating on Psalm 22?).

C. The den comes from an Aramaic word which gives the idea of an underground pit. A lid was placed over it with the official wax seal surrounding it (verses 12-17).

Thought: When we go through various trials, it’s a time to become very diligent with our daily walk.

III. There are three books of the Apocrypha that are inserted in the Catholic Bible for the book of Daniel.

A. The word “apocrypha” in the Greek means things that are hidden. It is a collection of 14 or 15 books or parts of books which were inserted into the older English Bible (as well as the Septuagint). They were never part of the Canon of Scripture (the list of what is now 66 books including 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament).

B. To be part of the Canon, books are subjected to three main criteria:

1) Authority – internal words claiming authority by God (God breathed) and written by a prophet, apostle, or close associate;
2) Agreement – internal evidence that it agrees with the rest of Scripture;
3) Acceptance – wide acceptance among churches and church leaders.

C. The three apocryphal works surrounding Daniel include:
1) The Song of the Three Holy Children,
2) The History of Susanna, and
3) Bel and the Dragon. None of them show the inspiration of real Scripture and they have several inaccuracies compared to Daniel and other Scriptures.

IV. Yahweh, the only living God, rescues Daniel and receives praise from King Darius (Daniel 6:18 -28).

A. Daniel praises his God for sending his angel and shutting the mouths of the lions (verses 18-21).

1. This is similar wording to Psalm 22:13, 21 which Da niel might have been praying through.
2. The Messiah of Isaiah 11:6 (possibly the same Yahweh messenger in verse 21) will manifest perfect control over the animals in his Millennial Reign!

B. King Darius praises Daniel’s God as the one living God who is the Eternal King and who has the power to rescue and save His people (verses 22-27).

C. Daniel prospered all the way to the rule of Cyrus the Persian (verse 28). He remained in an administrative role until the first year of King Cyrus (Daniel 1:21 ) which was possibly two years after King Darius.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Daniel 5:1-31


Daniel 5:1-31
As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. King Belshazzar, along with the Babylonian kingdom, feasts, fears, and finally fatally falters under Yahweh’s mighty hand (Daniel 5:1-12).

A. King Belshazzar, while feasting, blasphemes the God of Israel even though he should have known better (Daniel 5:1-4).

1. Belshazzar (“Bel, protect the king”) was the son of Nebonidus, (who was married to the daughter of Nebuchadnezzar and who was also a General under Nebuchadnezzar), the last historically recorded King of Babylon.

a. Nebonidus ruled the Babylonian empire from 556-539 B.C.
However, due to frequent traveling and illness, he assigned his son Belshazzar as co-ruler with him and Belshazzar spent most of his time ruling from the city of Babylon itself.

b. There are two historical, legal documents recorded by Nebonidus proclaiming Belshazzar as both Co-regent and Crown Prince in the 12th and 13th year of his reign (the Nebonidus-Cyrus Chronicle discovered in Nineveh , Iraq in 1879 and presently located in the British Museum ).

c. This would also make Belshazzar Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson on his mother’s side (verses 2, 11,13 and 18 use the term “father” which can be used for father, grandfather, or ancestor).

d. Before this chronicle was discovered, many scholars did not believe that a Belshazzar who was a “son” of Nebuchadnezzar ever historically existed. However, for supernatural loving Yahweh honoring believers, the prophecy in Jeremiah 27:5-7 was perfectly accurate!

2 . The Jerusalem Temple articles were taken to Babylon in stages (605 B.C. – Daniel 1:2 and 586 B.C. – Jer. 27:19-22; Lam. 1:10 ) and probably placed in the Temple of Marduk (verse 3). So these had been sitting in the hands of unbelievers from 47 years and up to 66 years.

3. As the feasters drank from the Jerusalem Temple ’s sacred vessels, they toasted and praised their gods but not the God, Yahweh the Most High King of Heaven! The timing is right for Yahweh to once again speak clearly.

B. The perfect timing of Yahweh’s prophecy, human responsibility, and God’s sovereign rule work together for another amazing wonder – the writing on the wall! (verses 5-9).

1. Belshazzar cannot stand under the power of what he was seeing on the wall (verses 5, 6). (A large 55 foot wide, 165 feet long hall has been excavated in Babylon with white plastered walls!)

2. The third ruler would put that person next in line to the throne behind Nebonidus and Belshazzar (verses 7, 8).

C. Even though the wise men of Babylon again are useless, the Queen Mother, (Belshazzar’s mother and Nebuchadnezzar’s daughter), remembered Daniel and the events of her father’s life as already described in Daniel chapters 1-4 (verses 10-12).

Thought: Daniel 5:1-12 should encourage us as believers because it shows us
that Yahweh’s timing is perfect. He is faithful to His covenant and He is faithful
to His Word. Are we struggling today with acknowledging His perfect timing or
His ability to carry out His covenant or His Word as He has promised us?

II. Daniel gives the meaning of the writing on the wall to King Belshazzar
(Daniel 5:13-29).

A. Daniel would have been around 80 years old at this time (verses 13-16).
According to historical records, the kingdom of Babylon fell to the kingdom of Medo-Persia in October 539 B.C.

B. Daniel explains to Belshazzar that his motive for interpreting the writing was not monetary but was rather to honor the only true and Most High God (verses 17-24).

1. Daniel takes the opportunity to relay how Yahweh humbled Nebuchadnezzar (Belshazzar’s grandfather) when he was prideful (verses 18-21; Daniel 4:1-37).

2. Daniel takes the opportunity to explain to Belshazzar that this same Most High God that “holds in His hand your life” is the same one who “sent this palm hand.” (verses 22-24).

a. There is a Hebrew word-play with the word hand which brings about emphasis and interest (see how the Apostle John does this in the Greek language in John 10:27 -30).

b. There is also a word-play going on between false gods who cannot see, hear, or understand and the one true God who does all of these as well as communicate His message perfectly with a human hand (also verse 4).

III. The message on the wall was written in Aramaic as a brief three word message with the first word repeated for emphasis (Daniel 5:25 -28).

A. Mene, mene means “to number or reckon.” It is the verb form for a unit of weight (called a mina in Greek) equal to 50 shekels or 1 ¼ pounds. God has numbered and numbered again (probably the start and finish of the Babylonian kingdom).

B. Tekel means “to weigh.” God has weighed Belshazzar and the Babylonian kingdom and found them to be deficient (probably to remain as the reigning world kingdom).

C. Upharsin is the plural form of pares “to divide” so the Babylonian kingdom will be divided and given to two kingdoms. Daniel tells us that there will be the Medes and Persians.

IV. The very night of the feast that blasphemed Yahweh, Daniel was recognized, Belshazzar was slain, and the Medo-Persian army too k over Babylon
(Daniel 5:29, 30).

A. Historically, it is chronicled that Babylon was already under assault by the Medo-Persian army led by King Cyrus during the time of this feast. However, Babylon had stored up a 20 year supply of food with the Euphrates River running through it for water. It was surrounded by a high outer and inner wall with a road between them wide enough to span two chariots abreast. It had a mote surrounding the whole city. It was viewed by those in the city as impenetrable.

B. However, evidently before or during the feast, the army figured out that they could divert the water of the Euphrates north of the city by building a canal system to a nearby lake. As the level of the water receded, the Medo-Persi an army went under the sluice gate and defeated the city October 12, 539 B.C. (see Isaiah 47:1-5 and Daniel 2:32 , 39).

C. Darius the Mede was probably an official named Gubaru whom King Cyrus appointed as his vice-regent before his formal coronation two years later (see Daniel 9:1).

Thought: Can you trust Yahweh, the King of Heaven, who sets up and takes
down world kingdoms with your life situations today?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Daniel 4:1-37


Daniel 4:1-37
As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The setting and events of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, about the enormous tree, as told by Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:1- 18).

A. Nebuchadnezzar has had an experience with the Most High God of which he desires to tell to all the world (verses 1-3).

1. He has personally had an encounter with the Most High God’s miraculous signs (God’s intervention through the amazing timing and direction of natural phenomena) and miraculous wonders (God’s supernatural manifestations unexplainable using natural phenomena) (verse 2).

2. Through this event (which we will find out lasted over eight years), Nebuchadnezzar found out that only the Most High God’s Kingdom is eternal and that He ultimately rules through human kingdoms now (verse 3).

3. The Sep tuagint and Hebrew Text (MT) includes these three verses at the end of chapter 3 and starts chapter 4 with verse 4. However, most Biblical scholars see a better link with this chapter, as an introduction statement, because it fits so perfectly with the statement of Daniel 4:37.

B. When this dream happened, Nebuchadnezzar was in his palace in a contented and prosperous place in his life (verse 4). This might help us to figure out a possible timing of this event as it relates to Nebuchadnezzar’s rule which was from 605-562 B.C.

1. When a king says this it usually means that he is not fighting any more wars (2 Samuel 7:1). Nebuchadnezzar’s last two wars were Egypt (588-587 B.C.) and Jerusalem (587-586 B.C.). Following these were a protracted 10 to 13 year siege of <>Tyre which probably ended around 570 B.C. (Ezek. 26:7-14).

2. We also know from Daniel 4:4, 29, 30 and history that Nebuchadnezzar built up his palace, the hanging gardens, the structures inside Babylon, and the walls with amazing detail and in an ornate and opulent manor for all the world to see. This was probably going on during the wars and especially during the siege of Tyre.

3. We know that if Nebuchadnezzar was in on the final siege of Tyre (Ezek. 26:7) which ended in 570 B.C. that he would have presumably been in his right mind by then.

4. We know that Nebuchadnezzar’s reign of Babylon went from 605 B.C. to 562 B.C. Therefore, given the fact that he was eventually restored to his right mind and appears to rule for several years after (Dan. 4:36, 37), the best probability for the timing of this 8-9 year event would have been a few years after Jerusalem’s destruction.

C. Nebuchadnezzar again calls on Daniel (Belteshazzar) to help him interpret his dream after finding his own wise men useless (verses 5-18).

1. Before this event in Nebuchadnezzar’s life, his main god is Bel (Babylon’s counterpart to the Baal of the Canaanites) whose name is Marduk. Belteshazzar’s name, “Lady prote ct the king,” includes the wife of this god, the goddess Surpanitu, protecting the king. It can also be a shortened form for Bel-Belteshazzar “Bel, protect his life” (verses 5-8).

2. This enormous tree is described by the heavenly watchman as both a cut down yet preserved tree and as a man whose mind will change into an animal and yet be restored after seven times (verses 9-16).

3. The purpose of this dream was so that those living would understand that it’s the Most High (Highest God) that domineers over the kingdoms of men and sets their rulers in place at His pleasure (verses 17, 18).

Thought: How has Yahweh, the God of the Universe, gotten your attention
through events in your life? Is He trying to get your attention now?

II. Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (verses 19-27).

A. He speaks in a gentle and respectful tone (verses 19-21; I Peter 3:15).

B. He speaks the truth in love (verses 22-27; Eph. 4:15).

1. The king is the tree (verse 22). This showed Daniel’s boldness.

2. The Babylonian kingdom is large but not exhaustive (compare verse 22 with verse 11). Daniel was gently corrective.

3. The king will lose his mind for seven years but will eventually be restored to his place as ruler of Babylon when he acknowledges the one ruling over him (verses 23-26). Daniel used the help of the Holy Spirit and the skill of Scriptural interpretation.

a. The seven times in the text are seven years (comparing Jeremiah 25:11, 12; 29:10 with Dan. 7:25; Dan. 9:2, 24-27; Matt. 24:15; 2 Thes. 2:1-4; Rev. 11:2, 3; 13:5). Besides seven weeks or months would not have been enough time for his nails and hair to grow out.

b. Current day psychiatry and psychology have a classification of mental disease called clinical Lycanthropy which involves a person having a delusion that they are transforming into an animal. Zoanthropy is the delusion that he/she is an animal. Boanthropy is being transformed into a cow such as what Nebuchadnezzar probably had.

4. The king i s asked to repent of his pride (vs 27). Daniel showed a deep intimacy with Yahweh.
Thought: When you or someone close to you is going through a hard time, it is a
good possibility that Yahweh wants to speak through you to others about
what you are learning.

III. After a year of grace, Nebuchadnezzar’s pride activates Yahweh’s humbling, seven years of cow-like behavior, followed by repentance and restoration
(Daniel 4:28-37).

A. Outside the city of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar grazes with the cattle, doesn’t groom his hair or nails, and stays in a psychotic state for seven years (verses 28-34).

B. After seven years Nebuchadnezzar repents, submits his authority to the Most High King of Heaven (Yahweh) and is restored to his kingdom (verses 35-37).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Daniel 3:1-30


Daniel 3:1-30

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Nebuchadnezzar has a huge golden image made for the purpose of the Babylonian Empire’s worship (Daniel 3:1-7).

A. This image was 90 feet tall=2 0and 9 feet wide and covered in gold. It was more than likely an image of Nebuchadnezzar himself or of the Babylonian god Nebo (Nabu) from where his name was derived. (Nebuchadnezzar means, “Nebo, protect my boundary.”)

B. Dura (which means “any place enclosed by a mountain or a wall”) was most likely located six miles south of the city of Babylon . In this location, there has been a 45 foot square, 20 foot high platform discovered from archeological digs which probably served as its platform.

C. In conservative, supernatural loving scholarship, there are three possible dates for this occurrence.

1. The Greek Septuagent starts Daniel 3 off with, “In the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign,” which would have been 588-587 B.C. This would have been about one year before Jerusalem ’s final fall in 586 B.C.

2. Jeremiah 51:59 says that King Zedekiah and his staff officer Seraiah were summoned to Babylon for a meeting between 594-593 B.C. When they arrived at Babylon , Seriah was supposed to deliver Jeremiah’s prophecy. This could have been that meeting.

3. This might have been early on in Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, maybe 602-600 B.C., to establish his ultimate rule over his Babylonian kingdom.

D. All the government officials of Babylon were supposed to come to the dedication of this image and after a proclamation and song were commanded to bow down and worship it (verses 2-7).

E. During the seven-year tribulation period, before Christ’s Kingdom is fully realized on this earth, there will be another image that will be set up to be worshipped (2 Thes. 2:4; Rev. 13:11-18, 14:9-11).

Thought: What are the “gods” of this world which believers need to avoid worshipping?

II. Three Jewish believers refuse to worship the image and are miraculously saved by Yahweh’s messenger (Dan. 3:8-27).

A. Nebuchadnezzar reacts with furious rage and arrogant blasphemy against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (and their God Yahweh) at their refusal to worship the image (verses 8-15).

1. Another contest between the Babylonian gods and Yahweh has been set up by the words of Nebuchadnezzar (verse 15).

2. Daniel was not with these three at this time. He could have either been out of the area on business for the Babylonian kingdom or “untouchable” due to his recently elevated status.

B. Great bravery, faith, and resolve were demonstrated by these Jewish believers (verses 16-18).

1. They knew the Torah (Scriptures) of Yahweh. Some of the verses that they may have meditated on were the Shema (Deut. 6:4,5), the Ten Commandments (Ex.20; Deut. 5), and Isaiah (43:1,2; 46:1-5).

2. They answered the king in a courteous and respectful manner (verse 16; I Peter 3:15 ,16).

3. They did not know the exact will of Yahweh for the moment (for this life) but they proclaimed their uncompromising faith in Yahweh’s ability to rescue them (as His believers) and glorify Himself as an eternal principal (verses 17,18). The Apostle Paul also showed this attitude (Acts 20:24 ).

C. The three Jewish believers were bound and thrown into a large furnace (verses 19-24) and rescued by a Yahweh sent messenger (verses 19-27).

1. There have been some large brick-kiln type furnaces archeologically excavated in the Middle East and Babylonian area the size of 10 feet by 8 feet rooms.

2. They were not burnt in any way, did not smell of smoke, and a fourth person was seen with them.

a. The idea of a triune God called Yahweh who was the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit was progressively being revealed in the Old Testament.

b. An appearance of Christ, the Son, in the Old Testament, before being incarnated as Jesus the Christ, is called a Theophany (“God manifestation”). Even though Jewish scholars usually assign this person to be the angel Gabriel, this fourth person walking in the furnace seems to be one of these theophanies of Christ (also see Gen. 16:7-13; 18:1-15; Ex. 3; 14:19-24; 33:11; Josh. 5:13–6:2; I Cor. 10:1-6).

Thought: In the midst of your situations right now, are you believing that your God Yahweh is with you in it through Jesus Christ? Are you believing that He is ultimately going to re scue you and therefore you can live in His peace now? (Heb. 13:5-8; Rom. 8:37,28; I Thes. 1:10).

III. There were three main outcomes from the Biblical account of the fiery furnace (Dan. 3:28 -30).

A. The God of Israel (Yahweh) is praised by the mouth of the heathen King Nebuchadnezzar.

B. All Jewish exiles will now receive a certain amount of political protection and religious freedom in Babylon .

C. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego receive another promotion.

Thought: Trusting God in the midst of life’s struggles brings God praise and brings His Kingdom into a visible and tangible form here now on earth.