Thursday, November 29, 2012

Revelation 17:1-18



Revelation 17:1-18

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The false religion at the time of the Antichrist’s rule and reign comes out of the same strain of satanically motivated anti-Yahweh and anti-Messiah religions from all time (Rev. 17:1-6a).

A. The Apostle John receives this message from one of the seven angels that have just delivered the seven bowl judgments to give added information. The wrath of Yahweh had to be poured out (Rev. 14.8, 16:19) on the satanically corrupted religious system (great prostitute controlling most of the world population Rev. 17:15) in order for Yahweh’s ultimate pure system to finally be established in Revelation 21:9 (verse 1).

1. The kings of the earth have committed “sexual immorality” with her by believing her message instead of Yahweh’s (verse 2a; Isa. 23:15-17; Jer. 2:20-31).

2. The “wine” of her sexual immorality (Rev. 14:8) is judged by the “wine” of the fury of Yahweh’s wrath (Rev. 16:19). The wine can be the finished product of evil as well as good (verse 2a; Matt. 26:29; Jer. 51:7-14).

B. The Apostle John is carried away (in the Spirit) to a wilderness to receive the vision of the prostitute and the corrupt city of Babylon, whereas, he is carried to a high mountain in Revelation 21:10 to receive the glorious vision of the holy city Jerusalem (verses 3-5).

1. The wilderness or desert in this context is prophesying the dryness of the prostitutes influence which will lead to Babylon the Greats destruction (much like Isaiah did with the previous nation of Babylon in Isaiah 21:1-10) (verse 3a).

2. The prostitute is sitting on the same beast of Revelation 12:3 only this time we are told that it is scarlet colored (probably representing sin, Isaiah 1:18) or blood (Rev. 16:6). The beast represents the seven-headed satanically influenced world empires that have opposed Yahweh’s believers throughout history (probably Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Greece, and Rome) as well as the ten-horned (ten kinged) revived Roman Empire at the time of the Antichrist. Each of these empires had and will have false religious systems that oppose Yahweh blaspheming (cursing) His name (verse 3b).

3. The prostitute deceives the nations by her appealing outer beauty and her promises of wealth and fulfillment. However, what she really offers are abominations which are detestable in Yahweh’s sight and provoke His wrath (verse 4; I Sam. 16:7; Jer. 13:27; Ezek. 5:9).

4. There are three main views of how to understand the use of Babylon in the book of Revelation: 1) It is symbolic of the Roman Empire of John’s day (I Pet. 5:13); 2) It is rebuilt Babylon on the Euphrates River during the time of the Antichrist; 3) It is symbolic of all false religion and proud human society that has tried to live without Yahweh or His help throughout time (Gen. 11:1-9, Dan. 4:30). I would see Babylon as a Revived Roman Empire that is still future from now (some of #1) with a capital city that reflects the glory of a rebuilt city of Babylon (not necessarily on the Euphrates, part of #2) and a false religion incorporating Satan’s full deceit and demonic schemes (all of #3) (verse 5).

5. Throughout time Satan’s false religions have brought suffering and persecution to those who seek to acknowledge Israel’s Yahweh as their God and believe in Messiah Jesus (verse 6a; Dan. 7:25; Matt. 24:21; Rev. 13:10).

THOUGHT: False religion comes from satanic influence on peoples minds and can bring destructive thoughts, wrong living, physical death, and spiritual death (John 10:10). This will all be judged by Yahweh Jesus soon (Rev. 19:11 – 20:15).

II. The mystery of the woman and the beast is revealed by the angel as ultimately being conquered by the Lamb and His saints (Rev. 17:6b-14).

A. The Apostle John was marveling with great wonder at the sight of the prostitute riding the beast. He was either perplexed, distressed, and/or questioning if she could be overcome. The context seems to imply all three (verses 6b, 7; Dan. 7:28, 8:27, 10:7, 8, 12:8).

B. The coming Antichrist is now revealed to the Apostle John as the person who will rise out of these seven nations and rule over these ten kings to make war against Yahweh (verses 8-14).

1. Just like Revelation chapter 12 and 13 moves from the seven empire beast to the personal Antichrist beast, so does Revelation 17:1-7 (seven empire beast) move to the personal Antichrist beast in Revelation 17:8. Yahweh Jesus “is and was and is to come”
(Rev. 1:4, 8) but the Antichrist “was and is not”…and (will) “go to destruction.” Therefore, truth, salvation, and eternal life lie with the true Christ and not the Antichrist (verse 8).

a. The beast “was” could be either a type of the beast ruler found in Daniel 7 and/or the antichrists that have come against Israel and the church throughout history
(I John 2:22). Some teachers have thought the Antichrist might believe himself to be a reincarnated emperor.

b. The Antichrist “was not” alive at the time of the writing of Revelation. 

c. The Antichrist appears to the world to have died and been reincarnated (Rev. 13:3) but in reality he became possessed by Satan or one of the demons (Rev. 11:7, 13:4).

d. The Antichrist will “go to destruction.” (Rev. 19:20).

2. The seven mountains and kings that become an eighth take spiritual wisdom and discernment to figure out (verses 9-11). There are two main possibilities for the futurist interpretation:

a. They are seven real Roman kings (Rome was said to be built on seven hills), five that existed before John (that have died or been killed), one that is (Domitian or Nero if a person adopts an earlier date), one that will come for a short time and then the Antichrist at the end. However, it is hard for the timing of the Roman kings to fit properly. A list of the Roman Emperors is as follows: Julius Caesar (44 B.C.), Augustus (27 B.C. - 14 A.D.), Tiberius (14-37 A.D.), Caligula (37-41 A.D.), Claudius (41-54 A.D.), Nero (54-68 A.D.) Galba, Otho, Vitellius (68-69 A.D.), Vespasian (69-79 A.D.), Titus 79-81 A.D.), Domitian (81-96 A.D.), Nerva (96-98 A.D.), and Trajan (98-117 A.D.).

b. They are seven empires (mountains are used for empires in Scripture in Psalm 30:7, Psalm 68:15, 16; Isa. 2:2, 41:15; Jer. 51:25; Dan. 2:35; Zech. 4:7) that are probably Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the Revived Roman Empire. Of these, the first five have fallen, Rome exists at the time of Revelation, the ten-nation revived Roman Empire will exist for a short time, and the Antichrist’s kingdom will be the eighth. This seems to best fit the Scriptures of Daniel 7:1-28, Revelation 12:3, and 13:1. However, it does take combining the empires of Media and Persia, as Daniel does, to make it work.

3. The ten kings rule a major part of the earth for a short time but when the Antichrist comes on the scene, they choose to hand their power over to him (Dan. 7:19-22). Together they make war against Yahweh’s people although three of the original kings fall, but are finally conquered by the Lamb and His saints (verses 12-14; Daniel 7:20-28; Rev. 19:11-16).

III. Yahweh’s judgment on the prostitute (the satanic religion during the time of the ten kings and Antichrist) is ironically partly carried out by the ten-kinged kingdom led by the Antichrist
(Revelation 17:15-18).

A. The false religion of Satan controls the world during the time of the ten-kinged kingdom and the Antichrist from the great city Babylon (verses 15, 18; II Thes. 2:3-12; Rev. 13:5-18).

B. Yahweh exalts Himself and shows His power over the kingdom of darkness by putting a plan inside the hearts of the demonically controlled kings and Antichrist to turn against the prostitute. In so doing, Satan’s power and supposed kingdom divides against itself as Jesus predicted (Mark 3:23-26; John 10:7-21). Evidently, the end time city called Babylon the great which ruled the world through its false religion gets conquered and burned up by its own people (verses 16, 17).

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Revelation 16:10-21



Revelation 16:10-21

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The fifth bowl judgment brings total darkness to the throne and kingdom of the beast
(Revelation 16:10, 11).

A. Yahweh’s wrath is specifically being poured out on the throne and kingdom of the beast (Antichrist). Those who willingly have chosen to follow and worship the beast, who is under Satan’s authority, instead of the true God and His Christ receive these judgments. These judgments originate from Yahweh’s throne and temple (Rev. 8:2-5, 11:18, 19, 15:1, 2, 8, 16:1, 17) and are delivered to the beast’s throne and kingdom (verse 10; Rev. 13:4-18, 16:2).

B. This is similar to the ninth Egyptian plague (Ex. 10:21-29) as well as the fourth trumpet judgment (Rev. 8:12), however, more intensive and extensive. The Egyptian plague lasted for three days only in Egypt with an intense “darkness to be felt” (Ex. 10:21-23). The fourth trumpet judgment brought total darkness (no moon, stars, or sun shining) to the entire earth for one-third of every 24 hour day for what was probably months (Rev. 8:12).

C. During this plague, total darkness came to the area of the beast’s throne and kingdom. This would have been most of the world since the bowl judgments are being given after the Antichrist’s reign has been in full force throughout the 3 ½ year Great Tribulation (verse 10; Rev. 11:1- 14:13).

1. This total darkness was probably for a number of days during the 30 to 75 days after the ending of the Great Tribulation (Dan. 12:11, 12).

2. This total darkness brings great anguish to its recipients to the point where they “gnawed their tongues” from the pain caused by this plague, the other plagues, and especially the sores on their bodies. However, instead of repenting and recognizing their powerlessness, they chose to blaspheme (curse) the God of heaven (verse 10c, 11).

THOUGHT: The “God of heaven” is a phrase found in Scripture which implies supreme rulership over everything and commands deep respect and awe. Even Nebuchadnezzar learned to praise and extol the only God of heaven (Dan. 2:18, 19, 37, 44; 4:1-3, 34-37;
See also Rev. 11:13).

II. The sixth bowl judgment prepares the area around Israel for the final battle of Armageddon which will happen right before Christ’s return to rule and reign (Revelation 16:12-16).

A. This bowl first stops the flow of the great Euphrates River so the eastern kings can join the battle in Israel (verse 12a).

1. This river flows through modern Iraq (ancient Babylon) and marked the eastern boundary of Israel’s Promised Land from Yahweh (Gen. 15:18; Deut. 1:7, 8; Josh. 1:4) as well as the eastern boundary of the Roman Empire at the time of the writing of the book of Revelation.

2. During this time of the sixth bowl judgment, right before Christ returns to rule and reign, demonic spirits will convince kings from the whole earth (areas that are now Russia, Iran, India, China, etc.) to come to a great battle in Israel (verses 12b-14).

a. Through the mouths of the dragon (Satan, Rev. 12:9), the beast (Antichrist,
Rev. 13:5) and the false prophet (the Antichrist’s prophet, Rev. 13:12), demons convince these leaders through various deceits and false wonders to come to Israel to a great battle. The frog was an “unclean” creature in the Jewish dietary laws (Lev. 11:10-11) and, therefore, the message by the demons was an unclean message of deceit and falsehood (verses 13, 14). 

b. This is going to be the prophesied, Scriptural event called “the battle or war on the great day of God the Almighty” (verse 14) or the “battle of Armageddon” (verse 16). Some of the Scriptures that seem to prophecy this event include Ezekiel 38:1 - 39:29, Daniel 11:36 – 12:1, Joel 2:11, 3:1-16, Zechariah 12:1 – 14:15, and 2 Thes. 2:8.

B. Yahweh Jesus encourages his saints during this time to stay awake and fully clothed. Christ’s return is now only days to a month or so away and they should stay on guard so as not to be ashamed. Those that are believers are very close to entering their reward (verse 15; 2 Peter 3:10; Rev. 19:8). This is the third beatitude or blessing out of seven in Revelation (Rev. 1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 14).

C. These kings will be assembled at a place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon (verse 16).

1. The most natural reading of this Greek transliterated word from Hebrew is mountain or hill (Hebrew – “har”) of Megiddo (Hebrew – “Megiddon”). The area of Megiddo would be well known to Hebrew readers of the Old Testament. It is found as the battlefield with Barak in Judges 4-5, Gideon in Judges 7, and was where King Saul, his sons, and Josiah fell to their deaths (I Sam. 31:1; 2 Chron. 35:22). It is found in a key prophetic passage in Zechariah 12:11 right next to the Apostle John’s theme verse of Zechariah 12:10 (Rev. 1:7).

2. The main problem in the minds of Bible students and teachers is that there is no identification of a Mount Megiddo. Megiddo is really a plain or valley approximately 15 miles wide and 20 miles long. It is close to Mt. Carmel and part of the Esdraelon Valley and is approximately 60 miles northwest of Jerusalem. Since the Hebrew word “har” can also mean “hill country” or the fact that Megiddo has mountains like Carmel and Gilboa around it, the apostle seemed to be identifying this particular geographical area.

3. More than likely, given all the prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, and Zechariah (and others), this was only one of the areas of the final war, although a major one. Scripture identifies specific events in and around Jerusalem itself in other prophesies at Christ’s return (Zech. 14:1-5).

III. The seventh bowl judgment finishes the wrath of Yahweh on this earth bringing a great earthquake and great hailstones (Rev. 16:17-21).

A. Yahweh’s message from His throne is that after this is poured out, His wrath is officially done. This is a momentous event in the history of eternity! (verse 17)

B A great earthquake larger than at anytime in history wraps up the wrath of Yahweh
(verses 18-20).

1. Jerusalem, the great city, was divided into three parts (verse 19a; Revelation 11:8;
Zechariah 14:1-5).

2. Whole cities in Gentile nations fell (verse 19b).

3. Babylon the great (the Antichrist’s national headquarters and capital city) was judged by this earthquake as well as many other plagues. This will be discussed in more detail in Revelation chapters 17 through 19.

4. The topography of the earth substantially changed. Every island fled (which means either totally disappeared or moved substantially) and mountains were substantially changed (some not found any longer) (verse 20).

C. Great hailstones of approximately 100 pounds fell from heaven bringing blasphemy (cursing) from the beast’s followers and an end to Yahweh’s wrath (verse 21).