Monday, January 26, 2015

Future Updates At!

I started this blog a number of years ago because I greatly appreciated the teaching of Dave Lindstrom, who serves as an Elder at Red Mountain Community Church in Mesa, Arizona, and who has faithfully taught a weekly, in-depth class on the Bible for many years there.

I specifically started this blog to publish his class notes so they could be more widely available to both those attending RMCC and those many others who don't.

I'm pleased to announce that Red Mountain Community Church is now faithfully posting Dave's class notes and also updating them as he adds new material to them!

Since I am spinning many other plates, I'd like to take this as an opportunity to cease updates on this site and simply refer readers to the RMCC website, where they can find updated versions of Dave's class notes, as well as many other thoughtful, biblically reasoned articles on a variety of topics relevant to Christians.

You can find these resources and much more at Red Mountain Community Church!

Thanks for keeping an eye on this blog and I hope you find these other resources just as helpful!

Take care,

Paeter Frandsen