Thursday, June 23, 2011

Romans 13

The Christian's Obligation to Government and Society
Romans 13

As taught by Guest Geek, Richard Weisenburger

I. Part of the Christian's spiritual WORSHIP is to submit to the governing authorities. (vv 1-7)

A. The fact that we are citizens of heaven does not EXCUSE use from being responsible earthly citizens.

B. Submission to human government is required for the following reasons:

1. All authority comes from GOD and all human government is instituted by GOD. (v.1) Does this mean God approves of all those who are in power?

2. Therefore, rebellion against the government is rebellion against what GOD has ordained and will incur JUDGMENT. (v.2)

3. Government is God's servant to punish EVIL and reward GOOD. (vv 3-4) What should we do when the government is a 'bad' servant? (see Acts 5:29; also Acts 22:25)

4. Submission to human authority is also required by CONSCIENCE. (v 5)

C. Submission is demonstrated in part by paying TAXES. This is appropriate since those in authority dedicate their lives to PUBLIC SERVICE. What else do we owe to those in authority over us?

Question: Why is submission to government so important in Paul's thinking? (Hint: see 1 Timothy 2:1-4)

II. LOVE is our debt to all; it is the key to FULFILLING all obligations (vv 8-10)

A. This command (V.8) is not a prohibition of all financial DEBT but an exhortation to MAKE GOOD on all our obligations.

B. Our principle obligation is to LOVE one another.

C. Love fulfills all the requirements of the LAW because love does only GOOD. (v.10)

D. The command to love your neighbor as yourself assumes that you already KNOW HOW to love yourself.

Question: How does the admonition "Love your neighbor as yourself" lead us toward a godly expression of love?

III. We need to do these things because Christ's RETURN is imminent. (vv11-14)

A. It is time to be ALERT because the COMPLETION of our salvation is nearer than ever.

B. The nearness of the day should be reflected in our BEHAVIOR. Paul's use of the term 'armor' suggests that to do so will require us to do BATTLE. What specific behaviors does Paul warn against?

C. We can avoid these pitfalls by making no PROVISION for them and by "clothing ourselves with Jesus Christ."

Question: What are some ways that you can clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ?