Thursday, January 6, 2011

Romans 11:12-36


Romans 11:12-36
As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. The stumbling of the nation of Israel in unbelief opens a way of greater spiritual blessings to the rest of the world (vs. 11,12).

A. Israel has stumbled but they will recover (vs 11,12; Ezek. 37:1-28).

1. Through Israel's sin of unbelief, God has now chosen to work his kingdom program through gospel churches throughout the world (Eph. 2:14-22).

2. As the gospel is received, it produces spiritual life in the individual believer's life. As many believers are discipled in churches to produce fruit, they bless the church, the community and the world (Rom. 7:4, 12:1, 14-21).

B.The believing Gentiles throughout the world should provoke Israel to jealousy. They should see that the very same God of Israel is now alive and active in the predominately Gentile church (vs 11.12).

Thought: How does God's Kingdom program through the church bring blessings to the world?

II. Gentile believers should not become prideful or arrogant about the nation of Israel's time of mostly unbelief (vs 13-27).

A. As the apostle to the Gentiles, Paul has a two-pronged strategy (vs 13, 14; Acts 15).

B. Paul hints that Israel will one day receive Christ as a nation and bring about life from the dead (vs 15).

1. The firstfruits of verse 16a were the first offering of grain to the Lord of the newly ripened harvest (remnant Israel). These were then baked into a cake of dough (the whole batch, the converted nation) and offered before the Lord (Numbers 15:18-21).

2. The root of verse 16b consists of the conventional promises (i.e. Abrahamic: Gen. 12, 15; Davidic: 2 Samuel 7; New: Jer. 31) and everything else included in Romans 9:4,5. The branches are potential believers sprouting out from the roots of Israel's faith (Jer. 11:16).

3. The reference, "life from the dead," could be a reference to the resurrection of our new spiritual bodies and the beginning of Christ's millennial reign on earth (I Thes. 4:13-18; I Cor. 15:20-25; Rev. 1:5-8; 20:1-6).

C. God's kingdom program starts and ends with the nation of Israel and the faith as delivered through it. Gentiles need to be careful not to become arrogant concerning the nation of Israel because belief will bring them back (vs 17-27).

1. The believing Gentiles might forget God's promises to the nation of Israel (vs 17-24).

2. The Savior will fulfill all His promises to the nation of Israel (vs 25-27).

Thought: What are some ways in which Gentile unbelievers and believers have been prideful and arrogant toward Israelites?

III. The plan of God is awesome, mysterious and unsearchable (vs 28-36).

A. The gospel of salvation (faith in God's ability to save through Christ) is God's plan for sinners in the Old and New Testament (vs 28, 30-32). It is 100% reliable and certain.

B. God's election (choice) of the nation of Israel to be his instrument to reveal and be a remnant of His plan is certain. They are certain to be a light in the Millennium, the New Heaven, and the New Earth and throughout eternity (vs 28b-29, 33-36).