Thursday, January 26, 2012

Revelation 6:1 – 8:1 (Part 3)


Revelation 6:1 – 8:1

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Reviewing the first five seals (Revelation 6:1-11).

A. Almost all “futurist” exegetes (those believing that the events of Revelation chapters 6 through 22 will take place in the future from now) view the seven seals as revealing the time of the seven year tribulation in chronological order.

B. Most “futurists” believe the first three seals take place in the first 3 ½ years of the tribulation.

1. The first seal brings increased antichrists and probably the Antichrist leader on the world stage as a powerful leader who deceptively looks peaceful and righteous. He begins to put together some leadership structure and increases in power (Rev. 6:1, 2).

2. The second seal brings increasing civil unrest, war, and bloodshed. The Antichrist begins to cast his dictatorial power over a greater portion of the earth bringing more unrest and violence (Rev. 6:3, 4).

3. The third seal brings increasing famine and hardship to the poorer inhabitants of the earth. However, those with power and money are not as affected. Yahweh possibly gives special protection to His people during this time (Rev. 6:5, 6).

C. Many “futurists” see the fourth seal as lining up with the events of the middle of the seven year tribulation. However, some do not see the middle until Revelation 8:1 or Revelation 10:7 – 14:20. The middle of the tribulation was prophesied by Daniel (Daniel 9:27), Christ (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14; Luke 21:20), and Paul (2 Thes. 2:3-5) as the time where the Antichrist sets up an idol (possibly of himself) in the Jewish Temple. At this point, the tribulation increases for the next 3 ½ years into an intense great tribulation (Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21) with the Antichrist breaking his covenant with Israel (Dan. 9:27) and dictatorially ruling the world (2 Thes. 2:7-12).

1. The fourth seal brings the revealing of the Antichrist (Death), the increase of his power to kill a fourth of the population of the earth, the last of the horsemen of the Apocalypse (signaling a next phase in the tribulation), and a lining up of Christ’s words on Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, and Luke 21:20 (Rev. 6:7, 8).

2. The fifth seal brings a prayer from the existing saints in heaven who have suffered greatly and have been killed for their faith on earth for Yahweh to execute His plan of justice and ultimately set up His rulership on this earth. They are comforted by Yahweh and told to rest and wait for a little while longer (Rev. 6:9-11).

II. The sixth seal of judgment (Revelation 6:12-17).

A. If the fourth seal brings the events leading up to and after the mid point of the tribulation period, then the events of the sixth seal occur sometime after the mid point and before Christ’s return to the earth recorded in Revelation 19:11. In other words, the sixth seal would occur in the last 3 ½ years of the tribulation called the great tribulation (Dan. 12:1; Matt. 9:21).

B. The opening of the sixth seal brings amazing and cataclysmic changes in the earth and heavens that have not been experienced in any of the previous five seals (verses 12-14). Also, these catastrophic events seem to be world wide, strike terror in the hearts of the inhabitants of the earth, and allow them to understand that the great day of God’s wrath was upon them (verses 15-17).

1. The sixth seal begins with a great shaking or convulsion (seismos – Greek) that starts on the earth but also affects the sky and heavens. While the earth and heavens convulse, various visible things can be seen and felt by those of the earth:

a. The sun becomes black as a “sackcloth of hair” which is a course garment worn for mourning (Isa. 50:3). In other words, Yahweh shows by the sign of the darkened sun that the world is in mourning (verse 12; Matt. 24:29a).

b. The whole moon becomes red like blood. In other words, Yahweh gives the sign of a total eclipse of the moon probably viewed through very dusty atmospheric conditions (verse 12; Matt. 24:29b).

c. The asteroids, meteors, comets (asteres – Greek, can mean stars or objects moving through space) of heaven fell to the earth. In other words, more asteroids, meteors, and comets were being seen than at any other time in earth’s history. Many of these were impacting the earth (verse 13; Matt. 24:29c). This would look like a large fig tree dropping its figs on top of you if you were underneath it. The fig tree is many times used to illustrate Israel and the things happening to Israel as well (verse 13; Matt. 24:32-35).

d. The shaking will be so thorough that mountains and islands will be moved out of place and the placement of the things of heaven will be changed and feel like everything is coming undone (verse 14; Matt. 24:29d).

2. The judgment happening on the earth at this time now includes everybody. It is universal, equal, and nondiscriminatory of wealth, class, or rank unlike the third seal judgment. The sad part is the world still does not respond in repentance but rather fear, hiding, and cursing (verse 15, 16a). The mountains at the very end will not even be around to hide behind (Rev. 16:20).

3. It is interesting to know that the prophesied Day of Yahweh (which starts out with universal judgment and ends with Yahweh’s eternal reign) starts out with a world wide shaking as well as many of these signs (Isa. 2:6-22, 29:6; Joel 2:1-11; Hag. 2:6, 7). Could this be the start of the Day of Yahweh (verse 16b, 17)? The Pre-Wrath tribulational rapture position takes this approach with the rapture taking place in the parenthetical chapter 7 before the Day of Yahweh’s wrath takes place in the trumpet and bowl judgments.

THOUGHT: “Great are the works of Yahweh, studied by all who delight in them.” Psalm 111:2

Friday, January 13, 2012

Revelation 6:1 – 8:1 (Part 2)


Revelation 6:1 – 8:1

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Reviewing the first two seals (Revelation 6:1-4).

A. The first seal of judgment is carried out by a rider on a white horse. The best explanation for this first judgment seems to be the false antichrists or Antichrist that will have a deceptive righteousness and start to conquer in peace. This ties in well with the “beginning of birth pains” (Matt. 24:8) that marks the beginning of seven years of tribulation on this earth before Christ’s second coming (verses 1, 2; Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24:5, 24; Mark 13:6; Luke 21:8).

B. The second seal of judgment is carried out by a rider on a fiery red horse. This second judgment brings great bloodshed due to civil unrest and war. The rider “was given” the ability to take away a certain amount of peace out of the earth and the ability to execute judgment (verses 3, 4; Matt. 24:6, 7; Mark 13:7, 8; Luke 21:9, 10).

II. The third seal of judgment (Revelation 6:5, 6).

A. John saw the Lamb open the third seal and a third living creature (angel from the throne) calls forth the third horse and horseman of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6:5a).

B. The horse’s color was black signifying sorrow, mourning, and hardship due to the ravages of the wars of the second seal (Isaiah 50:3; Jeremiah 4:27-29; Lam. 4:8 – 5:10). One of the ravages of war is famine due to the destruction of crops and the depletion of the work force. During famine, food is scarce and costly. Therefore it needs to be weighed and rationed out (on a scale, Revelation 6: 5b; Prov. 16:11; Ezek. 4:16, 17; Matt. 24:7b).

C. John next hears something like a voice probably coming from Yahweh Father or Yahweh Jesus. He says that a choinix (a little less than a quart) of wheat will cost a denarius (an average days wage) or you can get three choinix of the cheaper, less nutritious barley. These amounts have been calculated to sustain an average person’s apetite for about one day and were about ten to twelve times the rate of regular times. He also says that olive oil and wine (which are considered luxury items) would not be harmed. This probably means that at this stage in the tribulation (first 3 ½ years), there are more poor people being directly effected than the wealthy elite. Another possibility is that the oil and wine represents Yahweh’s special protection over the things and people of His Spirit since the oil and wine are used in the Jewish Temple (anointing, sacrifices) as well as the church (anointing, communion) (verse 6).

III. The fourth seal of judgment (Revelation 6:7, 8).

A. John saw the Lamb open the fourth seal and a fourth living creature (angel from the throne) calls forth the fourth horse and horseman of the Apocalypse (Rev. 6:7).

B. The horse’s color was yellowish green (chloros – Greek) which is the color of vegetation and most sickly and dead people. For the first time we are given the rider’s name which is Death. Another by the name of Hades (the Greek word for the place of the departed dead which is Sheol in Hebrew) followed him in some way. They “were given” at this time a power to kill a fourth of the earth’s population (over a billion and a half people today) through the use of the sword (human wars or violence), intensified famines, various forms of death probably by sickness, plagues, and by causing animals to turn on humans (Rev. 6:8; Ezek. 14:12-23).

C. Some premillennialists believe the middle of the seven year tribulation period occurs during the time of the fourth horseman due to its severity, because it is the last of the horsemen that precedes the next events of judgment, and how Christ’s words in Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, and Luke 21:20 line up timing wise. Therefore, this is one place where the Antichrist could break his covenant with Israel and set up an idol in the Jewish Temple (Dan. 9:27). Others see the middle before the seventh seal (Rev. 8:1) or somewhere in the days of the seventh trumpet (Rev. 10:7 – 14:20).

IV. The fifth seal of judgment (Revelation 6:9-11).

A. John saw the Lamb open the fifth seal and instead of seeing any more horsemen, he now sees a scene in heaven where people that have been killed for their faith cry out for Yahweh to execute His plan of justice. People that have studied Yahweh’s word in all different generations have realized that He has been delaying His justice until the time of the end or the Day of Yahweh. This is where He will make everything right by judging this earth and setting up a true Kingdom of righteousness forever and ever (Deut. 32:35; Rom. 12:9). John sees these people crying out either underneath the altar of incense (the usual place for prayer and petition) or the altar of sacrifice in heaven (verse 9, see also Rev. 8:3-5, 14:18, 16:7).

B. As servants who are owned by Yahweh the Most High God, they call Him their holy and true Master (despotas – Greek). They recognize that He alone controls the time of His judgment and His ultimate kingdom rule and cry out the prophetic prayer of “how long!” (Psalms 13:1, 2; Psalms 35:17). Their ultimate hope is in the truth of His word and character, the holiness of His being which demands perfect and impartial justice that can only be delayed or forgiven by His mercy (verse 10; Luke 18:7, 8).

C. Rather than getting immediate justice, the martyred saints are told by Yahweh to rest and wait in a special white robe (symbolic of righteousness and victory) which they “were given.” There are still more believers which will suffer and be killed for their faith during the fifth, sixth, and seventh seals (including the trumpets and bowls) before all will be completed (verse 11).

THOUGHT: “Wait for Yahweh and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off.” Psalms 37:34