Thursday, February 9, 2012

Revelation 8:2-13


Revelation 8:2-13

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Yahweh’s delayed judgment Day and promised return has begun in response to the prayers of all the saints (Rev. 8:2-6).

A. The Day of Yahweh had come (probably during the sixth seal) and now from Revelation 8:2 through Revelation 20:15 will bring about the time of the prophesied judgment and renewal upon this earth (Daniel 2:34-44, 7:17-28; Joel 2:28 – 3:2; Zeph. 1:14 – 2:3).

B. Trumpets were used in Israel for assembling people for special events and war (Numbers 10:9, 10), feasts (I Chron. 15:24), warning of the coming Day of Yahweh (Joel 2:1; Zeph. 1:14-16), and New Testament resurrection events (Matt. 24:31; I Cor. 15:52; I Thes. 4:16). Some post-tribulationalists believe the last trump and seventh trumpet add to their argument. However, there are other explanations.

C. Seven angels who stand (and continue to stand – Greek perfect tense) before Yahweh’s throne in heaven are given seven trumpets. Evidently these seven have had key positions with Yahweh through the years over the affairs of the earth (verse 2).

D. Another angel which served in the heavenly temple, like the Jewish priests served in the earthly tabernacle and the earthly temple, performed a sacred act before Yahweh. He was given a golden tray (censer) which was filled with incense and offered with the prayer of the saints (Rev. 5:8, 6:10) before Yahweh’s altar (probably of incense, Exodus 30:7-9). This filled the area around Yahweh with a sweet smelling aroma. The angel then took coals from this altar of incense in his golden tray and cast it to the earth which brought about earthly and atmospheric warning signs of this next series of judgments (verses 3-5). The seven angels readied themselves for their awesome task (verse 6).

THOUGHT: The prayers of the saints are always heard by our great God Yahweh. They are all answered according to His timing and will (Joel 2:32; Rom. 10:12, 13; I John 5:14, 15). Let’s boldly call upon His name today! (Heb. 4:16).

II. The first four trumpet judgments of the Day of Yahweh show some similarities to the plagues of Egypt that delivered Israel from a land of idolatry and slavery (Revelation 8:7-13).

A. The first trumpet judgment brings hail and fire mixed with blood to the earth. In this judgment, one third of the earth’s trees and all the earth’s grass will be burned up (verse 7).

1. The seventh plague of Egypt (Exodus 9:13-35) was a plague of hail that damaged humans and livestock as well. This plague in Revelation 8:7 only damages trees, vegetation, and grass but more extensive in area. One can only imagine what this amount of destruction would do to the food supply, air quality, and general living conditions on the earth.

2. This could be produced by increased volcanic activity, a combination of volcanic activity, hail, and blood red rain from volcanic dust or a supernatural “fiery bloody hail.” These are probably the best way to understand the text rather than moving to purely symbolic interpretations of the text such as the earth, grass, and trees being used to represent nations and people.

B. The second trumpet judgment turns one third of the sea (salt water areas including oceans) into blood or a blood red color killing off one third of all salt water life and destroying one third of the ships (verses 8, 9).

1. The first plague of Egypt (Exodus 7:14-21) was the plague of turning the Nile into blood. This trumpet judgment is much more extensive.

2. This could be produced by massive volcanic activity, a fiery meteor or asteroid or some type of supernatural exploding mountain that has previously never been seen. Symbolic interpreters prefer viewing the mountain as wicked nations like Rome or Babylon.

C. The third trumpet judgment brings bitterness and probably non-drinkability to one third of the fresh water supply of the earth including rivers and springs (verses 10, 11).

1. Again this is similar to the first plague of Egypt (Exodus 7:14-21) only much more extensive.

2. This could be produced by an asteroid or meteor that breaks apart polluting everything it touches that is fresh water. It was named “Wormwood” which is a bitter-tasting shrub (Proverbs 5:4) and in the Old Testament was a word that illustrated idolatry and judgment (Deut. 29:18; Jer. 9:15, 23:15).

D. The fourth trumpet brings increased darkness to this earth. The result seems to bring total darkness for one third of a day for an extended period of time (verse 12).

1. This is similar to the ninth plague of Egypt (Exodus 10:21-23) only much more extensive and debilitating (three days compared to probably years).

2. John is not told of a method by which Yahweh accomplishes this and so we only can marvel at His power and ability. The Day of Yahweh is prophesied to be dark and gloomy during its beginning phase (Isaiah 13:10; Joel 2:2, 10; Zeph. 1:15).

E. The fifth, sixth, and seventh trumpets are announced by a flying eagle which could easily be seen and heard by everyone. The flying eagle gives the next three judgments as woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth (verse 13). The knowledge that the woes are coming was supposed to help people to repent and turn to Yahweh but most still refuse (Revelation 9:21).

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Revelation 6:1-8:1 (Part 4)


Revelation 6:1 – 8:1

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. In Revelation 7:1 through 8:1, Yahweh gives John two vision scenes which will help explain for him and us the two important events which take place possibly sometime between the start of the sixth seal and the opening of the seventh seal. Let us review some of the previous seal timing clues.

A. Seals one, two, three, and part of four probably are the first three and a half years of the seven year tribulation period. During this time, the Antichrist begins his deception and increases in power and the world increases in civil unrest, wars, and famine
(Revelation 6:1-6).

B. During the fourth seal, the Antichrist probably breaks his covenant with Israel and sets up an idol of himself in the Jewish Temple which is prophesied as the abomination of desolation. This signals the beginning of the great tribulation where one fourth of the worlds population is killed (Revelation 6:7, 8). This also prompts the opening of the fifth seal prayer of the suffering and martyred saints. They pray for Yahweh to wrap up His plan of justice and start His full Kingdom rule on this earth. At this time, they are told to rest and wait (Rev. 6:9-11).

C. This sixth seal opens with cataclysmic signs upon the earth and heaven. There is a long protracted violent shaking that seems to begin the prophesied Day of Yahweh sometime during this sixth seal. The Day of Yahweh brings about His wrath on this earth and prepares the earth for His future rule and reign (Revelation 6:12-17).

D. It is after the description of these first six seals that John gives us the two important vision scenes of chapter 7 and right before the opening of the seventh seal in Rev. 8:1 (which includes the rest of the trumpet and bowl judgment). We are given two vision scenes concerning Yahweh’s people on earth (Rev. 7:1-8) and Yahweh’s people in heaven (Rev. 7:9-17).

II. Scene I: During this time of great tribulation and the beginning of the Day of Yahweh, 144,000 chosen Jewish believers are sealed for their protection (Revelation 7:1-8).

A. Chapter 7 is called a parenthetical section because it is describing something in more detail that is a break from the natural narrative. The narrative picks up again in Revelation 8:1 with the opening of the seventh seal. John uses the phrase “after these things” (meta tauto) in 7:1, 9 just as he did in 4:1 to describe a change of thought or fuller description of something with a little different tone.

B. From his vantage point in heaven John sees four angels controlling Yahweh’s power over the entire earth from every direction (the four corners was used for the four directions of a compass during John’s day). As he sees this sight, another angel comes from his east (the rising of the sun, probably over Israel) commanding them to hold off their destruction until 144,000 believing Israelites have been sealed, 12,000 believing Israelites from 12 specific tribes (Revelation 7:1-8).

1. The sealing was going to be on the foreheads of these 144,000 believers to give them some form of protection from Yahweh’s wrath. We don’t know what type of seal it was but we know that Yahweh would recognize it as His. They will undergo suffering but Yahweh will be with them and guide them in contrast with those who take the mark of the beast (Rev. 13:15 – 14:5).

2. There are two main views concerning the 144,000: a) One view takes this figuratively as the whole church consisting of all believers who are Jews or Gentiles and the number 12 (number of administration) or 12 x 12 x 1,000 (number of completion) as Yahweh’s work in and among His people during persecution. Most post-tribulationalists, idealists, and preterists see it this way; b) The other view takes this literally as Yahweh turning again to selected Jewish believers as His chosen vessels on this earth (like they used to be before the church age) after the rapture of the church to heaven. Most pre-, mid-, and pre-wrath- tribulationalists would hold this view. This view is the one which seems to exegete prophetic literature more accurately.

3. There are 29 lists of the tribes of Israel throughout the Bible and 19 of these differ from one another (Genesis 29-35, 46, 49; Exodus 1; Numbers 1, 2, 13, 26, 34; Deut.27, 33; Josh. 13; Judges 5; I Chron. 2, 12, 27; Ezek. 48). The writers of Scripture changed the order or omitted certain tribes depending on the purpose for which they were writing or what was going on in the history of the tribe.

a. Even though current historical records might struggle in placing the where- abouts of all 12 tribes, Yahweh knows where they are. It also could be that new undiscovered records will turn up.

b. James and Peter both seemed to recognize the existence of 12 tribes of Israel (James 1:1; I Peter 1:1).

c. Judah is listed first out of respect for Christ who came from that line
(Genesis 49:10). Dan is omitted probably due to idolatry (Gen. 49:17; Judges 18:1-31) but will be included in the millennium (Ezek. 48:1). Ephraim was omitted because they allied themselves against Judah (Isaiah 7:2, 5; Hosea 5:3) but was probably included as part of his father Joseph. Manasseh was added with Joseph for being faithful sons (Gen. 37:3; Josh. 17:16-17).

THOUGHT: Yahweh remembers and rewards your faithfulness toward the things of His Kingdom. You and your families faithfulness will have lasting effects for a long time!

III. Scene 2: The multitude of redeemed believers in heaven who came out of the great tribulation (Rev. 7:9-17).

A. There is a distinction between the numbered, Jewish believers on the earth and the multitude, from every people group in heaven (verse 9a).

B. They were before Yahweh Father’s and Yahweh Son’s throne in white robes (purity, victory) and palm branches (used for festivals such as the Feast of Tabernacles
Zech. 14:16) in their hands (verse 9b).

C. They proclaim their salvation through Yahweh alone and the angels around the throne fall down in worship and praise Him! (verses 10-12).

D. They are the ones who came out of the great tribulation by their belief in the blood of the Lamb and therefore have been given an abundant life of service, fellowship, reward, care, and shalom with Yahweh forever! (verses 13-17; Revelation 22:3-5). Could this be the raptured church in heaven?

IV. The seventh seal of judgment is opened by Yahweh Jesus. There was complete silence in heaven over the awesomeness of what was about to happen (Rev. 8:1).