Thursday, July 1, 2010

Romans 3:21- 4:25

Romans 3:21- 4:25

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. Since the time of Christ's death, burial and resurrection, the ability of God to declare a sinner righteous is being made known (Rom. 3:21-31).

A. This righteousness of God is apart from obedience to the Mosaic or Old Testament Law (vs. 21-23).

1. The Law and Prophets have testified to this (vs 21; 3:10-18).

2. It comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe (vs 22).

3. Everyone has sinned ("hamarton"- missed the mark) and come up short of God's power, Godness and reflection (vs 23; 1:20,23; Gen. 1:26).

B. This righteousness of God justifies (declares righteous) believers through the work of Christ Jesus (vs 24-31).

1. This is given freely (like an unpaid for gift) by God's grace (unmerited favor) to believers (vs 24).

2. Christ's work redeemed "apolutroseos" or ransomed believers by the payment of a price (vs 24; Matt. 20:28; Mark 10:45; Rom. 8:23; Eph. 1:7; Titus 2:14).

3. Christ's work propitiated "ilastarion" or satisfied the wrath of God concerning the believer's unrighteousness and sins. This word is connected to the mercy seat or covering of the ark of the covenant in the most holy place (Lev. 16:14, Heb. 9:5; I John 2:2).

a. Before the cross, God was righteous in patiently passing by past sins because of the person's belief in God's ability to forgive (vs 25).

b. Since the time of Christ, God's pinnacle of full justice has been met and, therefore, now God has a way of declaring believers righteous and the world and unbelievers guilty (vs 26; Acts 17:31; I John 1:3-2:2).

4. Christ's work eliminates the possibility of human self-righteous boasting (vs 27-34).

Thought: What would you say to someone who said that, "God will let me be with him because I have done more good things than bad"?

II. In chapter 4, Paul proves from Old Testament Scriptures his previous points (Rom. 4:1-25).

A. Abraham was declared righteous by God on account of his faith apart from his works (vs 1-5; Gen. 15:6).

B. David has faith in Yahweh's righteousness by forgiving his sins apart from works (vs 6-8; Psalms 32:1,2; 2 Sam. 12:13).

C. Abraham's faith and justification was before both circumcision and the Law (vs 9-25).

1. Abraham was declared righteous at least 14 years before he was circumcised (vs 9-12; Gen 15:6, Gen. 17:10-13).

2. Circumcision was a sign and seal of Abraham's justification by faith (vs 11).

3. Abraham received the promise through faith, not through the Law (vs 13; Gal. 3:16-19).

4. Therefore, God made Abraham the father of all believers of every nation (vs 13-17a; Gen. 12:3 Gen 17:5).

5. Abraham still believed God's promise that a son (an heir) would be born even though he was close to 100 years old and Sarah was around 90 years old (vs 17b-19; Gen. 21:1-7).

6. The record of Abraham's justification through faith in Genesis 15:6 was written for all who would believe in Jesus (vs 20-25).