Thursday, November 17, 2011

Revelation 6:1-8:1 (Part 1)


Revelation 6:1 – 8:1

As taught by Dave Lindstrom

I. There is a certain amount of background information that is needed before a proper exegesis (drawing the meaning out of the text) of Revelation chapter 6 through 19 can occur.

A. First we need to know when these events are occurring.

1. The timetable of the events of Revelation chapters 6-19 are going to occur during a 7 year period in the future which culminates in Christ’s return. This is called the futurists view and will be our primary mode of interpretation.

a. This view awaits the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th week of seven years as prophesied in Daniel 9:27.

b. This view awaits the fulfillment of all the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Day of Yahweh where His wrath is outpoured on the entire earth (Isa 13:6-13; Amos 5:18; Joel 1:15, 2:2, 11; Zech. 14:1-11).

c. This view awaits the prophecies of Christ that explain the events leading up to His return (Matt. 24:2-35; Mark 13:2-31; Luke 21:6-33).

d. This view awaits the prophecies of the Apostles that explain the events leading up to His return (Romans 2:8-11, 12:19; I Thessalonians 5:1-9; II Thessalonians 2:1-12; II Peter 4:4-9).

2. Two other methods of interpretation are common among our fellow believers and so will be mentioned briefly.

a. The historical (preterist) view usually interprets all these events as having already occurred around 70 A.D. (Jerusalem’s fall) although some include events throughout church history.

b. The idealist (allegorical, symbolic) view interprets all these events according to apocalyptic genre that is primarily symbolic. They would say that “when” these events happen are not important as long as the church receives strength to follow Yahweh better and endure persecution.

B. Second we need to know how these chapters are organized. There are three main judgments of seven which are seven seals (Rev. 6:1 – 8:1), seven trumpets (Rev. 8:2 – 14:20) and seven bowls (Rev. 15:1 – 19:10). There are two main ways of organizing these from a futuristic approach.

1. The dovetailing or telescopic way to organize these chapters has the seventh seal (Revelation 8:1) contain the seven trumpets and the seven trumpets (Revelation 11:15) contain the seven bowls. In other words, all of the judgments (possibly 19 to 21 depending on if the seventh seal and seventh trumpet are counted as judgments) happen in order with a relationship between the seventh seal and the rest of the judgments. This view is the main view we will use and points out the many differences in execution and intensity of the judgments.

2. The recapitulation or cyclical way to organize these chapters has seven judgments consisting of seals, trumpets, and bowls repeated three different ways for emphasis. This view points out that there are many similarities between the judgments as they are compared.

II. The opening of the first two seals by Yahweh Jesus, the Lamb (Revelation 6:1-4).

A. The first seal of judgment (Revelation 6:1, 2)

1. John saw the Lamb open the seal and then heard the noise of thunder (usually associated with judgment or power, Exodus 20:18; John 12:28, 29) from one of the four living creatures. The opening of the seal produced the calling forth of the first rider of the apocalypse (verse 1).

2. The white horse is probably a symbol of purity or righteousness. The person had a bow (military strength without using arrows), a crown (authoritative power), and the ability to conquer (evidently in a somewhat peaceful way) (verse 2).

a. There were four horsemen in the Old Testament that brought about judgment on Israel’s enemies for the purpose of establishing real peace (Zech. 1:8, 6:1-8). The colors of the horses were different as well as the scope and span of their purpose.

b. There are wide and varied views as to the identity of this first rider including the Roman emperor, the Word of God, the gospel, Roman invaders, and the Jewish Messiah. However, even though Jesus is going to ride in on a white horse in Rev. 19:11, He cannot be on this horse because He is opening the seals and judging the earth. The best choice seems to be the false antichrists or Antichrist that has a deceptive righteousness and starts conquering in peace (verse 2; Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:5, 24; Mark 13:6; Luke 21:8).

B. The second seal of judgment (Revelation 6:3, 4)

1. Yahweh Jesus opens the second seal and a second living creature (angel from the throne) calls forth the second horse and horseman of the Apocalypse (verse 3).

2. This horses color was fiery red signifying great bloodshed due to civil unrest and war. This could be the same type of situation that Jesus prophesied as “wars and rumors of wars” and “nation against nation” (Matt. 24:6, 7; Mark 13:7, 8 and Luke 21:9, 10). The rider “was given” the ability to take away a certain amount of peace (shalom) out of the earth and he “was given” a great sword (a judgment executer).

THOUGHT: All activity is still under the control of Yahweh Jesus from the heavenly throne. He is the only rightful ruler of this world as well as the rightful judge and redeemer! Praise Yahweh Jesus!